Chapter 9 - Blackmail

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This chapter gets a bit intimate, read with caution;)


chapter 9

Lilac's POV

I got home, remembering my mum had work today so she wouldn't be home by tomorrow. I shrugged and grabbed my skateboard and skated to the park.

I bought a mc flurry from McDonald's and then sat on the swings.

I remember last time I came here. It was with harry. We joked around and had fun. Although, I did fall off the slide leaving a graze on my knee. Harry grabbed a band aid and put it on the injury. I chuckled at the memory.

"What's so funny" a low voice said. I jumped from the swing, and me being clumsy I fall. Harry just laughed.

"It's not funny," I tried to stand up but a large edgy rock had cut my shin. I inhaled sharply.

Harry stopped laughing after he saw I was bleeding. He got down immediately and pulled a band aid from his back pocket.

"A band aid, seriously? Why do you have one" I laughed at the memory I remembered earlier

He shrugged and placed it on my shin.

"Hey, remember last time, I fell from the slide, and you had a band aid then too" I pointed out

He chuckled lightly, "yeah"

We both got up and sat on the swings

"This is familiar" harry said

"Huh?" I asked confused

"I remember we would come here and talk everyday" he smiled at the sky then at me

"Oh..yeah" I chuckled.

"You skate?" He pointed at my skateboard

"No, I use it to carry my food(!)" I answered sarcastically

"Ha.ha" harry fake laughed

"How are you? You know, your dad, do you still live with him?" He asked, I'm kinda surprised he remembered

"Uh, no" I said smiling "my mum came back, she sent him to prison. Now we live in the suburbs, it's really nice" I looked at harry

"That's great" he replied. Really? That's 'great'. 1) that wasn't very enthusiastic and 2) is that his response? That was lousy.

I just stayed quiet.

"Why don't your friends know about your self harm" he asked abruptly

"Why are you so nosy" I asked sarcastically

"Seriously why" he asked

"Because I'm afraid if I tell them they'll judge me and won't look at me the same way" I said with a straight face while looking at harry

"Oh..ok" is all he said. That was lame, where's his comfort gone, he used to be way more nicer when we were younger.

"Why'd you move back here" I ask rudely

"What do you mean?" I think I hurt him, oh well he's being a dick anyways

"I thought you had to move to Spain." I said coldly

"Well, I gave out a bad reputation. Believe it or not but I've moved to at least 10 schools. So my mum decided we move back. But I the first week of my first high school, I got expelled, so the I came to Creston High" he explained

"Why were you expelled" I asked quickly

"You don't want to know" harry said seriously

"Yes. I do" I snapped, I don't know why but Harry's attitude began to piss me off

He groaned and got off the swing and started to walk back and forth.

"Harry, what happened" I was really getting pissed.

"Do you want to know?! Really??" He yelled. I hesitantly nodded

"I'm bipolar ok!! So the last school I attended I came onto this girl but she didn't want to have sex. So I got angry, and.." He trailed off

I furrowed my eyebrows "harry, did you..rape her?"

He fell to the ground and pulled his legs to his chest and buried his head into his knees

He stayed silent

"Harry!" I snapped

"Yes, fuck sake! I made her have sex with me! Only because I didn't take me anti- depressant pills that day!" He yelled

I shook my head in disappointment. I got my skateboard and headed home.

I skated home and when I got there I slammed the door. I scratched my head in frustration. How could he?! He raped a girl?? He's bipolar?? Since when?

I was too frustrated so I took a quick hot shower. It only took 7 minutes. When I got out, I realised I left my clean laundry down stairs, I grunted angrily and went down stairs.

I went to the clean laundry basket when I saw harry in the kitchen.

"Holy shit harry! Gave me a shock! How'd you get inside?!" I yelled

"Calm down, your door was unlocked"

"Did you follow me?!" I asked angrily

"Obviously" he simply said

"Get out!" I said. Who does he think he is coming into my house

"I wanna make a deal" he ignored me

"No, go away"

he walked closer to me.

"I can't, you're tempting me. You've turned so hot, especially when your only in that towel" he said seductively. I tried to push him off but he was too strong. I could feel his abs through his thin shirt, I didn't realise I was feeling him up until when he chuckled

"Enjoying yourself?" He whispered in my ear. I immediately took my hands off him

"Leave" I demanded


ugh he's so stubborn

I gasped when he cupped my right breast, he massaged it. I moaned. Then straight away I covered my mouth. He smirked

"It would be better if this sheet of cotton wasn't in the way" he whispered in my ear

This isn't him. He didn't use to act this way around girls, me even, for that matter. I think this is his other bipolar side.

I caught him off guard when I pushed him off with all my strength.

He looked angry. His eyes was dark with lust.

He came closer again, " I wanna make a deal," I furrowed my eyebrows in disgust ", you're my slave, or I tell the whole school about your self harm and that your dad abused you" harry said evilly

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2014 ⏰

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