Chapter 20: Outside the Ancient Ruins

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As Samus and Pikachu went off for their next direction, they were unaware that they weren't the only occupants on the island

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As Samus and Pikachu went off for their next direction, they were unaware that they weren't the only occupants on the island. Near the outside of the ancient ruins, a R.O.B robot stood in it's rest mode, completely unaware of the many small figures on its metallic body. The small humanoid figures came in a variety of colors and were attacking the robot by pounding their tall heads against its body, the very top of their heads adorned with either leafs, half-bloomed flowers, or fully bloomed flowers. These tiny creatures were called Pikmin, and they were all being ordered by their captain to attack the sleeping R.O.B robot, though their combined efforts didn't seem to be doing much to the robot.

But once the robot booted up and felt the many small creatures upon its body, it extended its arms and quickly spun, flicking all the Pikmin off its body. Some of them were able to survive the harsh force of their fall, but most of the attacking force perished.

Seeing his massive army be whittled down to around a dozen, the leader of the Pikmin army, Captain Olimar, felt his body begin to quiver as he slowly stepped back from the robot, whose gaze was now focused on him.

"All those Pikmin, and it doesn't look the least bit weakened. Just how do I defeat this thing?"

Backing up, he felt something tap the side of his hip. Looking to his right, he saw one of the red Pikmin was tapping him and pointing in the opposite direction they were facing where he saw something quickly rushing towards them.

It took him a few seconds before he was able to make it out. A sleek blue race car rushing at them at lightning speed. It wasn't even driving on the ground, but rather hovering just above it. As it neared him, the glass covering the seat of the driver flew off and a figure jumped out of it as quick as it was driving, ascending into the air even higher than the R.O.B. The robot looked up at the figure and saw that it was landing directly towards it. It was able to identify the figure as a tall man in a tight blue jumpsuit, covering a muscled body, and a red helmet covering his head with a black visor covering his eyes, the only sign of his eyes were the bright triangle shaped lights on it.

"FALCON PUNCH!" (A/N this is the stupidest thing I've ever written, but, hey, gotta be faithful)

One of his fist burned in a blazing fire as he bunched the robot's head, the silhouette of a flaming bird could be seen as his fist made contact with the metallic body. The force of the punch knocked the robot onto the ground, it's head falling off due to the impact. The man landed on the ground, sliding against it from the force of the fall, causing him to knock into the remaining group of Pikmin and finish them off. The pose he made and his gesture made it seem like he was fine, but it left an awkward silence, as olimar found himself unable to speak.

What could he even say to break the silent tension that rang in the air thick enough it could be felt?

The man was the first to act, turning back to Olimar and walking up to him, stopping in front of him and kneeling down to look at him better.

"Are you alright?"

His deep yet calm voice gave Olimar some relief as he answered, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for the help. Uh, who are you?"

"Captain Falcon," He held his hand out to the smaller man.

"Captain Olimar," He grabbed the hand and shook, watching as the tale figure stood up.

"So, Olimar, what are you doing here? This isn't the best place for someone like you."

"Well, I was flying by on my ship, but it was running low on fuel so I had to land here. I figured I'd take a look around in the meantime, and I ran into that large robot," He looked up at the tall man, "But, may I ask, why are you here?"

"I'm trying to find someone. I thought they might be here, but I haven't had any luck finding them," He turned around and looked over his shoulder at the small man, "It's too dangerous for someone like you to be by yourself. At least stick with me in the meantime."

Olimar was a bit reluctant to follow someone he just met, but if more of those giant robots were on this island, he definitely didn't want to have to try and face one by himself. So he followed after Captain Falcon.

The two were alone for quite some time until many of the robots and creatures managed to find them. With no other choice, they had to fight their way through.

The two had to face off against many variations of R.O.B's, Shellpods, Roaders, Gamygas and Auroros'. Captain Falcon was more than able to hold his own, but was surprised to see how well Olimar was able to fight back when he had his Pikmin at his side. Maybe he wasn't as defenceless as he thought.

The two continued on and came to an edge of the island. The edge was built like a cliff and the vast ocean can be seen below. Upon the wide view, they caught sight of the flying machine that held the trophy of Donkey Kong chained on top of it. And another smaller airship was seen flying towards it at breakneck speed.

Inside the Arwing, Falco sat in the seat piloting will Diddy sat next to him, though the lack of space inside the cockpit made him mostly press against the glass.

"Just a bit more!" Falco calmed his squirming down as he now flew over the other ship. Turning the Arwing upside down he shouted "NOW!" Before opening the cockpit and sent Diddy out. The chimp immediately activated his rocketbarrel pack and lifted himself, grabbing his two peanut popguns and shooting them down onto the ship, knocking the Primids that had been standing on top and sending them to the ocean below.

The two captains watched the scene from where they stood.

"What's going on down there?" Olimar asked as he observed.

"Not too sure, but they could use a hand," He reached down and grabbed the small captain, "Hold on."

Olimar yelped as Captain Falcon suddenly jumped off the edge, the rush of wind against him sent him chills. Back on the ship, Diddy saw it was safe and landed on the ship, then quickly reached to Donkey Kong and touched the golden base of his trophy. The bright light of his restoration covered him as he broke effortlessly through the chains binding him, then proceeded to pound on his chest as he yelled. Diddy heard as the two captains landed on the ship behind him, Captain Falcon standing proudly as Olimar took this moment to catch his breath from the exhilaration of the fall. But the moment was stopped when more of the creatures came from the sides of the ship, and the four readied themselves to fend them off.

They were attacked by Primids, Trowlons, Bombeds, Shaydas', Spaaks and Metal Primids. But their combined strength along with DK's strength allowed them to take them down until they stopped appearing from the ship.

Now safe, Donkey kong and Diddy were finally able to celebrate, relieved to be together once more and seeing the other safe. The sound of the Arwing passing by caught Diddy's attention, and from the inside of the cockpit, he could see Falco giving him a thumbs up, as if to say "Nice work", before the Arwing flew off into the sky. Diddy waved goodbye to his friend until Captain Falcon's voice caught his attention, "Hey, take a look."

They saw that the ship was coming to a stop, entering a small opening along the side of the island. They were heading into the center of their base.

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