Chapter 2

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Omg...he's coming near. He smiled at me. He doesn't give up Does he. he's so persistent.

well maybe if you didn't stare back he wouldn't be smiling.....omg he's coming this way....hurry turn away...away....away....too late.

"Hey Abby"

"to you it's Abigail. only my friends can call me Abby" I say with an attitude. the nerves of some people. why the hell does he keep bothering me...I'm tired of this daily routine. I'm done with Zack Davis. I admit there was a time....

I can feel my heart get heavy as I remember...alone. I'm the only one who remembers those times. typical Zach.

I get up take my tray and walk away before my eyes betray me. I promised myself I would never cry over Zach again. never..and especially not in front of him.....

I quickly leave the cafeteria and head to my locker.

"Hey Abby!" screamed the high pitched noise.

"Hey Bri" I reply almost in a whisper.

Brianna is my best least now she is. but that's neither here nor there. she's always happy and smiling and her dating Justin isn't making any thing better.

Justin is Zach's best friend so yea he's as much of a dog as his friend. but I already warned him if he ever hurt bri I would cut off body parts he might need if he ever want to be with another girl again.

"Sooo..." bri starts. oh no I already know where this is going. every time she starts a sentence like that it involves the dogs...especially the one I completely despise...Zach fucking Davis.

"what" I say a little too sternly.

"cool it ice princess. anyways....Justin invited me to a house party tonight at Zach's place and you have to come with me" she says all controlling.

"what do mean I have to" I say confused.

"well you wouldn't leave me there alone would you...especially knowing how Justin could get....if you know what I mean" she winks.

confused again I ask " what do you mean....just so we're on the same page." and for effect I winked back at her.

"just come" she says in a whiney voice.





"why not" said an annoying but sexy voice behind me.

I turn around and yes it's the ass that always occupies my thoughts. whether they're thoughts of hatred, love, humour..anything him. I hate it and I hate him more.

I turn around and roll my eyes a million times. " in case you haven't figured it out..which I assume you haven't since your always near me.... I try to stay away from you as much as possible...and that includes your friend..your stupid parties..and your stupid house..thank yourself from my life" I finish off coldly.

"well damn..if your scared just say need to go around the bushes"

"out my life" I say pointing to my left towards the exit sign.

"first of all....I want to be in your life and you NEED me in your life...B....we all know you're secretly in love with me..I mean you can't just start hating someone for no reason out of the blue...I mean why do you hate me again?"

That stinged a bit. I didn't expect him to remember..but still. I do not answer. I will not assuage his conscience by letting him know why I despise him so much. I could feel my face get hot as my rage rises. he continues..still in my face...still in my life...

but you want him....uck...stupid subconscious..I thought I locked you up with the rest of my we go..deep breaths before you do something stupid and out of character.

"so are you" I hear two voices at once.

"wait what?" I ask confused yet again.

"will you come to my party or......maybe..." he starts slowly, " I can come over tonight and we could have some alone know your mom loves me" he smiled and winked. arrogant bitch.

but that smile...shit..stop it Abby....YOU HATE ZACH DAVIS!!!

"Hell no! you can not come to my house..... FINE! I'll come too your freaking party..but I'm staying for like an it" I say looking at both of them. bri looks like she's bout to explode with excitement and Zach looks...well he's Zach..he looks his usual calm and collected sexy self...

stop it Abby!!

"we would have had lots of fun alone" Zach says. then he winks and walks away laughing.

arrogant bitch.

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