Chapter 3

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well....I got her to come. Not that I was doubting myself...I knew I could...I mean after all I am Zach Davis.

But still...I think this is my chance to get on her good side again. What can I say...I miss my best friend. If only she would tell what happened that day? Was it my dad again? Did she see Sarita?...I don't know...but I need to find out.

After that was situated I decided to go home. It would be a long night....I mean this school looks up to me...they expect Zach Davis to throw parties like no other...shit they expect me to do things like no I'm some god or something. I like the attention at times but it's as if they've set bars on me. Like I have to be this way..and if I'm not I'm no longer the same person..quite frankly I'm tired of being Mr.popular.


I get home and head straight to my room.

It's quiet. Its always quiet. With parents like mine who spends more time away just so they could avoid one another, what did I expect. Them to care? To actuallly remember they had a son? Yeah right. I mean... I've learned to live with it.

Whos needs those dead beats. All theyre good for is making money and supplying me with everything my teenage mind tells me I need.

My phone begins to ring. I look at the caller i.d and see its Sarita.

DAMN! I thought I deleted that Bitch's number. This is just great. what does she want?


"hey baby" she answered in that annoying voice. Like for fucks sake stop sounding so desperate.

"What the hell you want Rita"

"Calm down. Who peed in your cornflakes this--"

"What do you want. I've got things to do."

"Things as in preparing your party?"

Fuck!...How the hell did she find out. Well...She's the head bitch at the school, she hires people to keep her on track.Duh!... AHHHH!!

"Conner told me. If you were wondering sweety." she says bringing me back to the converstaion.

Conner. My so-called friend who she cheated with on me. The same Conner who mightve ruined my chances with Abigail. Some friend he turned out to be.

"so anyway..." rita begins again taking me out of my reverie. "weren't you going to to invite me to your party personally?"

"I dont invite people...I put the word out there and it spreads. People come if they want. Besides why the hell would I invite you?" Take a hint bitch. please take a hint.

"Calm down Zach. Youre acting like a baby. What happened with us is in our past now. I mean, yea we had a good time, we laughed, cried and partied together. SO yea, we had a good thing. But you know what they say..all good things must come to an end."

"Yea I hear you babe" I say sarcastically. "But I don't remeber you being all that good. Maybe its been too long."

That got me off the phone real quick. She hung up. Typical females. Every thing you say to them goes straight to the heart. HA! jokes on them. I couldn't give two fucks.


It was nine and everything was in place: drinks, food, alcohol, get the point.Pool lights: check, my room locked and key in my pockets: check, my parents room locked: check, all other rooms open: CHECK and CHECK!! Tonight was gonna be fun. I can honestly say tonight I was feeling it. Something was going to happen. Something good.

By 9:30 people started piling in by the bus loads. I mean I didnt expect this many people to show up. But shiiit.....what can I do.

I walked around making sure everyone was having fun...when finally she walked in. She looked every bit gorgeous. I have to admit I was shocked. No girl impresses Zach Davis. I mean...Im Zach Davis. But...Damn. she was breathtaking. Who knew I would fall for my best friend so hard.Well, ex-bestfriend. She's made it clear enough times...but thats not the point. There she was with all her perfect curves and all. Damn what I wouldnt give for a drink right now. Maybe from her mouth........Stop it Zach.....remember the three c's: cool, calm, and collected.

As I made my way towards her, my next guests stopped me dead at my tracks. Conner and Rita. FUCK!!


I quickly turned and headed to the kithchen where the drinks were. Was I running from them? NO! I merely didnt want to start a scene. Yea keep telling yourself that....Of course its true. With Abby so close who knows what Rita would of said. I've already fucked up, dont want her making it worse.

I saw a bottle of vodka near by and i quickly took it and jugged it down. Probably not the best idea.I took the bottle with me and went to find Abby again. We needed to talk and fix things.

As I scanned the area I finally made eye contact with her. She quickly looked away. She was on the dance floor and she wasnt alone. As I started towards her I was angry beyond words.

She was with Conner. Where the fuck is Sarita.

I see her not too far from them. Already drunk sucking on some other guys face on the couch.

Conner looked drunk himself, or damn well close the way he was swirving. As I got closer I got bits of the convo..

"Come on beautiful. what will it take for a guy like me to go out with a beauty like you?" Conner slurred.

"She's not interested!" I yelled. WTF? Was I actually jealous. I've never gotten jealous before. Not even for Sarita. I've always gone with the motto: theres a million fish in the sea.

"I can handle myself. So I dont need you answering for me." Abby replied.

Is she serious right now. Females.Like shit.

"You heard the lady...shoo" Conner drawled.

"Like hell I will. Get. The. Fuck. Away. From. Her" I clipped. By now we had a crowd. And a topic for a month or so in school. Lifeless assholes.

"And if I don't" Conner asked.

"Simple. I'll make you"

"I'd like to see you try." With that I puched Conner in the eye. He fell down immediately.

"STOP! you freaaking Ass. I don't need you" Abigail screamed and came in between the deadbeat and I.

Did she really just say that? I know I'm taking it wrong...but boy did it hurt. Why? Is it because she said she didn't need me?

I glared at her and walked away. Fuck it. You try to be a hero. You try to help someone out and they turn on you. Useless. Everyone in my life, hell...everyone in this world is just plain useless and stupid.

I went upstairs and unlocked my room. I went in, slaming the door behind me. But with that loud ass music the effect was negated.

Fuck this shit.

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