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Lyrinaa <- had tagged me

Lyrinaa <- had tagged me

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1) I prefer Cats

2) Anime bc I haven't read any manga yet

3) Definitely HOT CHOCOLATE❤💙

4) Daydreams. I even can't remember the last nightmare

5) winter ^^ bc I can!

6) Depending on situation. But mostly bike

7) Both❤❤💙💙

8) BOOKS!!

9) COLD!!!

10) damn. Of course both and more

11) Blackness❤❤💙💙

12) Depending on my mood, the readable stories and my ideas

And the tagged people are:
1) new_york_city_heroes
2) Kalypso__Queen
3) leixca
4) dimpledstyles_13
5) justliveyourlifexx
6) GenieohneHirn

Good night, folks

Gedankenchaos ;^)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt