In the Dark

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Chapter 1


I watch as Malcolm, the pickiest one in my click of friends, chooses a book from one of the shelves. He slowly walks over to the front desk, with the book in his hand. He slides the book over the counter, and the librarian scans the bar code on the book, quickly. She types something into her computer, from the prehistoric age. After she shoves the book back into his arms, he walks over to the table. He sits down next to Mila. She smiles at him, and her nerdy eyes return back to her book. She's already reached page 27. She just checked that book out like two minutes ago.

Her book must be a page-turner, unlike mine. The stupid novel is about some guy, that has a bunch of crazy issues with his brain. It is poorly written, and easy to read. I only picked this dumb book because of the cool cover. I guess I learned my lesson. A lame excuse for a best-seller. I rest my head on my hand. My fingers run through my golden blonde hair.

Mrs. Wadding is making us do a huge book project. The presentation will be at least 40% of our grade. My grade isn't doing so well either. The letter keeps slipping between a really low B and a really high C. Both are okay grades, but my parents will freak if I get anything lower than an 85%. Ryder sits next to me. The book that his eyes are glued to is huge. The pages are thin, and the words are tiny. I mean, really tiny. Almost microscopic. His eyes fly over the words easily, though. I don't care how good of a reader he is, that book will take him a long time. The binding is made of leather, and the book reminds me of a large bible.

Mrs. Wadding stands up and orders the class to exit the library. She is the strictest teacher ever. If she tells you to do something, you do it, no questions asked. So, all of us hurriedly pack up our books and leave the large room of books. The zany librarian watches me as I pass her. Her face is sculpted into an angry scowl.

'Weirdo' I think to myself as I leave the library.

As soon as I step out of the room the loud, blaring, annoying bell rings. Instead of making a left back to the harsh teacher's classroom I go straight to my locker. I scan the locker numbers for mine. I find the small, green, rectangular box, and fiddle with the lock. I swing open the door and I admire my neatly organized books. I throw my locker into disarray as I shove my books into it. I grab my lunchbox, and slam the door shut.

I make my way to the usual lunch spot. Ever since the lunchroom got too loud to handle, all of the students were forced to eat on the school grounds. My click usually eats right out front on a little hill. We don't sit near the football field (too many jocks).

Clairise tries to braid her hair as she munches on a slice of pizza. Eden sits by her. Eden's hair is the color of mud. A really dark brown, almost black. Freckles adorn her face, and she is always smiling. She holds a bright blue tray, covered with food. I am the last one to arrive at our small lunch venue. I sit next to Ryder, who is still reading that big book of dust. Must be good.

"Hey, Ryder" I say as I grab my sandwich. He doesn't reply. Instead his fingers gently flip the pages. He can kind of be unresponsive at times. Malcolm sits next to Mila, who is snuggled up next to Carter. I never know about them two. Y'know, the usual off-and-on couple. I just try to stay out of it. As long as no one gets hurt, I'm fine with it. They lean in for a kiss.

Okay, that's enough. I turn my head, and I hear a smooching sound. Gross. I turn back to my "appetizing" meal. A simple ham sandwich and a rotten apple. I just love my lunch packing ability. I hear the turn of the page, and my head turns to Ryder. "Page 56!" I exclaim, loudly.

"Yeah. It's actually really good. It's all about paranormal crap. Y'know like ghosts and stuff. It takes place in Batavia" he explains with a smile.

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