The Emerald Eyes

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        The cold night air nips at my bare skin. I pull the small veil closer around my shoulders. I keep looking around, waiting to see children running from their parents, people walking to a bar, teenagers laughing about their costumes, anything, but there's no one to be seen. The street is bare of life other than me, not a soul passes by. I inhale sharply and start walking down the street.

       I feel the stare of two sharp eyes on my back. It makes my body stiffen. I turn my head slightly. Just to glimpse what's behind me. No one is there. I continue walking but the feeling doesn't let up. I hear a twig snap and whip my head in the direction. Again no one is there. I keep my eyes trained behind me and walk very slowly. My heart rate has sped up. My breathing has become difficult. I just want to run home but I have no home to run to.  

     I turn my head to face forward and freeze. There's a dark, lonely figure hunched forward leaning on the lamppost in front of me. The light bends around him, concealing his face in a shroud of darkness. I pull up my hoodie and look down. If I can't see his face then he isn't allowed to see mine. I walk by him and out of the corner of my eye I see him go rigid. I stop.  

     I don't know why but I turn around. I face the hidden figure. I eye him slowly. I stand, waiting.        "Well?" I ask, still hiding behind the hood. The figure, which is a boy no older than I, shifts uncomfortably.  

     "You don't have to do that." He answers, looking down and away. His face is still guarded by shadows but his eyes poke through. They're emerald green, stormy sea green, pierce a girl's heart green.  

     "I don't have to do what?" I ask, never looking away from those hypnotizing eyes. They make me want to jump in his arms, to tell him my secrets, to go home with him, but my mission is too planned out. I won't abandon my safety now for a pair of green eyes.  

     "You don't have to do it." He shifts uncomfortably. He clearly doesn't want to be here. He looks like he'd rather be hiding under a rock. "You don't have to go there... It's scarier than you think."  He looks me in the eyes when he says that. His back straightens out and he doesn't back down from my gaze. I try to look away but the emerald eyes demanded I don't. They pull me into them, share their pain with me. I shuddered.  

    "I don't know what you're talking about." I was getting frustrated now. Or was it him? Was it the frustration swirling in his eyes that I only mirrored.  

    "We have all gone there. We have all sought safety. We have all regretted it." The frustration melted away into puddles of grief and despair. They swelled and flowed like water being released from captivity. He didn't cry, although he made me want to. He didn't water up, although I'm sure I had. He just stared at me, begged me. "Wait one day. If I can't change your mind I won't stand in your way." This time he looked away. He broke the spell with reality. I couldn't hide in his emotions any more.  

     "Stand in the way of what?" Even as the words came out of my mouth I knew the answer. It was clear he knew it too. He didn't bother to answer me. He just handed me a card. It was soft and warm. It buzzed and hummed in my hands with life and love. It smelled of fresh cookies and cinnamon. I felt like I was in a bubble of care and adoration. All my troubles melted away with a single touch. 

            You are invited to Jasper's annual Halloween party October the 31st.Come to 4346 Willows Creek Road. The theme is a masquerade ball, every guest must wear a mask. This is strictly invitation only, you may not bring a friend. Be there by eight o'clock pm.

    "I'm having a party... A special type of party tomorrow night. You will be there. I will convince you. You don't have to go there." His words were much stronger now. They demanded attention. I looked at the boy in front of me, no longer scared and hiding.  

     "Why do you care?" I asked, my words coming out choked and suffocated.  

     "Do I need an excuse?" He smiled and my heart almost jumped out of my chest. It was perfect. The way his mouth formed two little dimples. The way it spread across his face and through his whole body. The way it was directed only for me to see, for me to feel.  

    "I don't have a dress." I answered lamely. It was true though. The card said it was a masquerade ball. I only have sweatshirts. He smiled again and I held my breath. Gosh he was gorgeous.  

    "Don't worry about that." He winked and turned around. I was too dumbstruck to say anything. I watched his back as he walked away and disappeared into the night. I never even got to see his face.    

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