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Five Years Later

Julia Wright

I smiled at Luna. As she was sound asleep in my arms. While Logan was sitting in the middle of the floor watching his dad play football on the screen.

To me my life was perfect. I got to marrying my best friend. I got my two beautiful kids. Everyone was happy. I was happy.

The downside was that even know I am happy. Sometimes I feel sad and empty. After I finished college. I cut my mom out of my life. She wanted to stay with Sean. Which I wish she didn't because she is missing her grandchildren grow up.

Sean tried to reach out to me. A few times. He tried to break up my marriage photoshopping pictures of me with other men.

Thankfully Taylor didn't put up with his nonsense. I can't believe I slept with him. But even know I regret it I'm glad it happened. It thought me a lot. Making me stronger. Making me wiser.

"Mommy look." Logan squealed.

"What is it pumpkin."

"Daddy won the game." He says jumping up and down.

"What team is daddy?"

"Mommy I tell you this all the time. We are the black and yellow team. We are the bumblebee team."

I laugh a little. He doesn't know how to read. He just learned his colors so he calls the Pittsburgh Stealer's the bumblebee team. I think it's cute.

"I'm just making sure that's all."

"You know I think Grammy has better mind than you."

"You might be right."

He starts to yawn but quickly covers his mouth. "I'm not tired. I just needed more air."

"It's ten a clock. Way past your bedtime."

"But mommy. Just a little more."

I shake my head starting to stand up. " I let you stay up to watch daddy. But daddy's game finished."

"I know but-"

"No buts. We have school tomorrow." I work as a fifth-grade teacher at Duke elementary where Logan goes. I was going to be a pediatrician's but then I got pregnant with Luna. So I decided to be a teacher. I Think I like it better than being a doctor. Plus I get to spend more time with my kids so can't complain there.

"Okay fine." He gets up walking towards the stair. While I follow closely behind.

"Mommy, can you read a bedtime story. Please."

"Okay fine."


I'm so fucking excited to write this book. (excuse my language). But a lot of you have been asking for it so here it is.

There's going to be some new charters and of course there is going to be some old one's too. So get ready because this book is going to get a little crazy.

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