Chapter 28

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Author note
I am dealing with stress. I mean I have good grades but it's just some people get on my nerves. Some people are always being racist and it gets on my nerves. I mean it hasn't happen much this year because that guy who would always say racist stuff to me isn't in my class but I see him in the hallway sometimes. I am Asian and yes I don't have big eyes like American. I'm Vietnamese and my grandparents were originally Chinese. I say stuff at people in Vietnamese (mostly guys who I want to punch and are racist to me) but they always go saying Ching Chong. I am really annoy with that and with people asking can you see? Why are your eyes so small? Like it doesn't matter so why can't they shut up. But one time was really hurtful when in 4th grade I think a girl who was also Vietnamese but she had bigger eyes than me. So she made fun of me by pulling her eyes to look smaller. Yes it hurt but she move away that year. I don't really care what people say anymore but it still hurts on the inside. Sorry about this BS but I know some people are interested in someone's culture in a good way but I am just annoy with the ones who do it in a bad way.


We were about to shoot when someone had to yell stop.

"Oh what now?!"

I felt my head get smack. I look to see Mr. Jeon.

"Oh it's you well let me spray these rich people first then I'll spray."

He smack me again and took all of our stuff away.

"You're not shooting anyone...anymore. As for you parents go away your children didn't die. And besides it was their punishment because this school has a strict no bullying rule if they don't have a red card."

I raised an eyebrow and was about to say something but Jungkook stop me.

"I took away her red card a long time ago. But some people were still doing things to her."

The parents glared at their child while they glared at me while gave a cold stare back making them cower.

That's what I thought b*tch*s.

I rest my head on my hand on the arm chair.

"Hey if you're done being stupid. There is still school."

I turn and was going to roll myself in but someone was pushing me. I look to see Rap Monster smiling showing his dimple. He looks cute with dimples but V in the back making weird ugly faces is too hilarious.

"V what are you doing?"

"The folks dance."

I shook my head and look back to the front. We stop in the hallway and Rocky got on my lap. Blackberry too.

"Woona bang bang."

He made a finger gun and pointed at my heart.

"How about shooting your hyungs instead?"

He pointed at the guys and kept shooting and saying bang bang.

We got to the chairwoman's office and I went to sit on the couch but pain shot up my leg. I sat back down immediately.

Rocky climb down my lap and played with the guys. My phone buzz and I pick it up.


"Take the job back!"

I move the phone away and sigh.

"You took it. I can't take it back and I don't want to."

"Please take it this is too much."

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