An Evening Ride

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The light of the sun was starting to fade as Alessa rode her horse, Star, through the woods. It was a chilly October evening. The leaves were just starting to fade from green to the autumnal colors of red, yellow, and orange. It was a little over a week away from Halloween. Alessa was on her way back to the small forest village of Valedale. She felt safe there, surrounded by druids, where Dark Core couldn't get to her. It was a safe haven. Alessa felt a chilly breeze blow through the quiet woods. She looked around, on edge about if something was hiding in the trees. "Come on Star, let's hurry back before it gets dark." Alessa said, as she urged her horse to go from a walk to a canter. Alessa felt nervous that something would happen, she just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. She hated when she got this feeling because it usually meant that something, was in fact, wrong. She was close to Valedale now. "If we gallop," Alessa thought "we could be there in a minute at the latest." It was true. There were only a few turns left and a straight path that led into the village. Alessa decided against galloping, knowing that not only Star but herself as well were exhausted from the day's events. She had been watching the Dark Core oil rig from the shoreline for a good portion of the day, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity. After that she helped out some of the citizens of the island of Jorvik. She was always exhausted by this because the Sunfield's hens (or demon hens as Alessa referred to them as) were usually lose and causing trouble in the Harvest Counties. After helping the islanders she and Star did some cross country training. She decided to have Star go slow to a trot, as to not wear him out but also keep a steady pace. She though she heard hoofbeats at a quick gallop, as though someone was in a hurry to get to Valedale. "Odd," She thought "most riders who come back here don't usually rush." Nonetheless Alessa moved off the path to make room for the rushed rider, knowing that since the forest wasn't anywhere near dense at all she would be able to return to Valedale without the path and not get lost. She thought she heard what sounded like a man laughing and then a blood curdling scream. Alessa immediately stopped Star, looking around trying to locate to source of the sound, hoping that it wasn't one of her friends that had just gave a blood curdling scream. "Are you alright?" Alessa yelled out, hoping to get an answer from someone. Alessa felt the goosebumps rising up on her arms and, even with the warmth of her jacket, felt cold.  Star could sense his rider's fear. He turned his head to look back at her and see if he could see something. There wasn't anything there. Alessa picked up the reins from Star's neck and was about to urge him into a gallop when she heard the laughter again. "WHO ARE YOU!" She screamed. Alessa saw a shadowy horse and rider heading towards her. Normally she wouldn't be bothered by this. 3 girls on the island had horses like this. The fact that made Alessa go white was that the rider was male and had no head. She had heard the stories of Galloper Tompson from the islanders since it was around Halloween. The legend was that Galloper Tompson appeared around the island and find riders that were alone. He would attack them and when the riders regained consciousness, his amulet would be nearby. It was said to be cursed by no one could tell you how it was cursed. It just was. Alessa didn't believe in stories that couldn't offer an explanation for "cursed objects". She had written it off as the islander's version of the Headless Horseman. Alessa was superstitious but not to the extent of believing the stories of headless horsemen. Yet here was one, now in front of her. His horses hooves, mane and, and tail were fire. Alessa stared at him, frozen into place by fear and shock, having never seeing something more terrifying before her own eyes. She wished she hadn't spent most of her life trying to prove stuff like ghosts, as it was coming back to haunt her, literally. Suddenly, her vision faded into black for a movement, causing Alessa to go into a panic. She shook her head but the darkness came back.  Star whinnied, but he didn't bolt. Alessa was unsure if he could move or if he was being subjected to this magic also. She thought she heard screaming, and she wanted to stop. The person screaming sounded like they were in pain. "Stop, just stop screaming." Alessa cried out with a sob. Yet the screaming didn't fade. Alessa was unaware that it was herself that was screaming, trying to hear herself and block out the horseman. She tried to fight the black appearing in the corners of her eyes, to stay conscience long enough to get her and Star away from the dreaded apparition but couldn't, as the world around her slowly disappeared.

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