I think I'm addicted

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All of my friends tell me I should try it. They say its safe. It's not illegal, they tell me. I havent considered buying it until now. Everyones getting it, so why shouldnt I? My sister knows someone who sells it at a low price. She says they've never been caught before. What if someone catches me, though? I think about it long and hard.

Yes, ill do it I'll buy it.


I look down at the sticky note with the adress on it. The note is dirty and wrinkled from being passed around so many times. I put the adress in my phone and drive where it tells me to.

After 15 minutes, I show up at a busy coffee shop. Someone is sure to see me. Catch me.

As I walk in, a bell on the door jingles. A passing waitress smiles at me. She doesn't know why i'm really here. What i'm about to buy.

I sit down and look around. Who am I looking for? How can I tell them apart from everyone else. As i'm looking around, someone's eyes meet mine. It must be them. I can tell. There is a paper bag in their hand and they are nervously tapping their foot.

We nod at eachother and I get up to go to the bathroom. She follows me in, the bag swinging in her hands which are clutched tightly around it.

As we both get in, she shuts and locks the door.

"Do you have the money?" she says to me in a low voice. I nod and slip her the twenty dollar bill from my pocket.

"And you know the symptoms, right?" she says to me, agknoledging the bag and its contents. I've heard it before. You'll be happy, then sad, then you cant stop laughing, then youll be angry, and so on. You might be addicted, you might even become obsessed. But it didnt matter. I wanted it. I NEEDED it. No matter how much I had to pay for it or what risks I had to take to get the stuff.

She hands me the bag and leaves. I look inside. It's there. The bag is lighter than I thought, but it's there.


When I get home, I lock my bedroom door and sit on my bed.

Should I?

Yes, i'm ready. I open the bag and take out the single item.

I'm ready to be addicted, obsessed, happy, sad, angry.

I'm ready.

I open Divergent and start reading.

I think I'm addictedWhere stories live. Discover now