Chapter Eight

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No one has ever told me I'm smart because I'm not. And no one ever wants to teach me. They always just make me sit by myself in the back with a book and say to read but I can't. Not when the words keep moving around like fishies and don't stay still long enough for me to read them. I don't think I'll ever read. I'll probably just forever be stupid Niall. I hope Liam and Zayn don't find out, then they won't want me anymore.

Ever since Louis and Harry had come round to watch Niall that day the small child had become more and more comfortable with going new places and trying new things. He'd even gone and spent the evening at Louis and Harry's so that Zayn and Liam could go on a date. So overall things were going smoothly, yeah he still didn't speak and wet the bed every night but at least now Niall was willing to be held by everyone and was more open with them now.
But as things progressed time passed and school loomed ever closer for the little blonde. They'd already registered him in the local primary school and gotten a uniform so they were ready, the only hard part would be getting Niall off without a meltdown. Thatwould be the real challenge.
The morning of Niall's first day was ten times worse than Liam could have predicted, no, he was not expecting this of all things. Niall somehow managed to be even more silent than usual, looked as sad as he had when he'd first arrived and he'd even sought out permission before going into the loo for his morning wee, no, this was definitely not what Liam was expecting. He'd thought that there would be resistance and maybe some tears but definitely not Niall completely losing all his life. And Liam decided he would've much preferred the screaming to this.
After he was fed, bathed, dressed and deemed clean enough for the public eye Zayn helped him tie up his laces while Liam quadruple checked the child's school bag, ensuring he had his lunch, spare pants and trousers and his new school things.
'I think we're ready to go.' Liam said once Niall had his coat on. They'd gone out shopping and even though Liam was biased he could see that Niall looked sharp in his new uniform and jacket.
'Do you have your things?' Zayn asked, grabbing his own briefcase. He was lucky that the school he taught at started later then Niall's school and Liam went in late so they could both take him every morning and pick him up.
'Yeah.' Liam said, picking up his bag. 'Lets go baby.'
He picked Niall up and frowned as he noticed Niall begin to tremble as they walked out the front door of their flat. They weren't sure how he would do with school since he wouldn't talk and tell them about his previous experience but since he hadn't seemed too upset until now they'd hoped he'd be alright. Liam rubbed the child's back and tried to comfort him as they walked down to the underground to get the car. Niall was buckled into his booster seat in the back while Zayn got in to drive and Liam got in the passenger side. They drove the fifteen minute drive in silence while pretending not to hear Niall go through breathing exercises in the back to try and stay calm.
They arrived at the school twenty minutes ahead for a meeting with Niall's teacher that they'd planned a week ago in anticipation of him being frightened of school. They walked in and Liam spoke softly to Niall as he carried him into a classroom with paintings and drawings covering the room and a younger, brown haired man writing something up on the blackboard. Zayn rapped on the doorframe and the man turned, breaking into a smile when he saw them.
'Hello!' He exclaimed, 'You must be Niall and family.'
'Yeah.' Zayn said, shaking the teachers' hand as they were invited in. 'Zayn Malik.'
'I'm Liam Payne.' Liam said, shaking the mans' hand as well. 'Nice to meet you.'
'Josh Devine.' The young man said, eagerly shaking their hands. 'The fifth form teacher.'
'This is Niall.' Liam said, adjusting the child on his hip so that he was looking out at his new teacher.
'Hi there.' Josh said, reaching out to shake Niall's hand as well. 'We're going to have loads of fun this year.'
Niall regarded him cautiously; one hand gripping Liam's shirt and the other was in his mouth as he sucked his thumb, Joey under his arm.
'So you wanted to have a chat?' He asked, quickly and gracefully recovering from the cold shoulder he'd gotten from his newest pupil.
'Yeah, thanks again for seeing us.' Zayn said, sitting down on a desk with Liam beside him.
'No problem.' Josh said. 'I want to be able to help all of my students out as much as I can.'
Liam nodded before beginning to explain about his foster son. 'Well first off he's mute.' He said. 'He won't speak at all. He also has anxiety issues and doesn't do very well in large groups.'
Josh nodded seriously as he listened. 'Well I will certainly be able to work with that.' He assured the fathers. 'As for the anxiety it usually gets better over time and hopefully it'll be the same for Niall.'
Both foster parents breathed a huge sigh of relief. 'Thank you.' Zayn said. 'You've no idea how worried we were that his teacher would be a total pratt.'
Josh laughed while Liam shot Zayn a horrified look. 'Don't worry Mr. Malik, I can assure you that I will work my hardest to help Niall as much as possible. Would you like some time alone in here to help him settle in, before the others come in and all?'
'That would be lovely, thank you.' Liam said, smiling at Josh as he left them alone in the classroom to focus on the child in his arms. Zayn looked at the tags on the desk and found Niall's, beckoning Liam over and showing it to them.
'See?' He asked. 'You have your very own desk for all of your things!'
Niall looked up at him sadly, looking from the name tag to Zayn and back again as he held back tears.
'Oh babe.' Zayn said softly, taking Niall into his arms and cuddling him tightly. The small family remained like that until the bell rang and they were forced to set Niall in his seat and say goodbye. They assured him that he'd have a great time and he wouldn't want to go home but as they left Niall was still crying softly at his desk, gripping his teddy and trying to make himself invisible. Leaving Niall was the hardest thing either of them had ever had to do.
Over the next two weeks Zayn and Liam saw a drastic change in Niall. Instead of that bright eyed, always curious child he had turned out to be he became more withdrawn, more clingy and had even started to have panic attacks at random times at home, and after being accident free for so long he started to come home wearing his spare pants with his wet ones tucked away in a plastic bag at the bottom of his backpack. When Niall started to come home with tear tracks on his cheeks and his lunch uneaten they decided to call Josh and arrange a meeting but strangely enough the teacher called them first. In the middle of the work day. Because Niall had punched another boy in the mouth.
By the time Liam and Zayn arrived at the school both of them were confused and a bit pissed, what on earth had Niall been thinking?! They were instructed to meet in the 'ABC' room on the first floor and upon arriving their they found a man in the room, sitting beside Niall while Josh crouched in front of him and tried desperately to calm the boy down.
Niall was sitting in a small chair, both hands clasped over his mouth as he made small whimpering noises and rocked back and forth, crying silently. When he caught site of his foster parents he let out a small scream and covered his face as he curled up in a small ball, immediately breaking everyone's hearts.
'Oh thank goodness.' Josh said in relief when he saw them. 'He won't calm down at all.'
'What happened?' Zayn asked as they rushed over to Niall and replaced the strange man and Josh. Liam pulled the panicked child into his lap, feeling a sweat soaked shirt and damp pants as he hugged the boy close and began to rock him and talk soothingly. Zayn ran his fingers through Niall's damp and matted hair, ignoring the other two as he tried to help Liam get him calm. When Niall's breathing returned to a semi-normal state he turned to the men and tried his best not to glare at them.
'What happened?' Liam asked, sounding menacing or probably the first time in his life.
Josh sighed. 'I think this would make better sense if we started from the beginning.' He said. 'You see Niall's been having a rough time of it with the other students from the first day, mostly because he's new but also because he doesn't talk or do any of his work.'
'What do you mean: 'doesn't do any of his work'?' Zayn asked, frowning. He knew that the other kids might have an issue with Niall because he doesn't talk but they shouldn't have any other reason to be mean. Niall let out a small whimper that Liam quickly hushed and Josh looked at Zayn in confusion.
'But haven't you gotten any of my letters or notes I've been sending home with the homework?' He asked. As if on cue Niall let out a guilty sob and pressed himself into Liam.
'Hush my love.' Liam soothed, rocking him. 'We'll get this sorted alright? You aren't in trouble.'
'No, no we haven't seen any homework or notes.' Zayn said carefully. Normally he'd be fuming about this sort of thing but because Niall was so upset he couldn't bring himself to be upset at him, not yet anyway.
'Well.' Josh said. 'I guess that explains it. You see, I don't think Niall can read or write.'
'Wait what?' Liam asked after a short, tense pause. 'He's nine and in fifth form; of course he can read.'
Josh picked up a piece of paper from the desk and passed it to Zayn for them to look at. 'That's the only work he's done these past two weeks.' He told them.
On the paper was a small short story with directions underneath to write the plot, main characters and their conflicts. On the paper the only thing written was 'NIALL' with a backwards N and shaky writing. Liam frowned and pulled Niall closer, kissing the top of his head and rubbing his back. This would explain everything.
'It's not uncommon for kids in care to be passed just so the teacher doesn't have to deal with the student another year.' Josh explained.
Zayn sighed. 'Hold on, explain how my son ending up punching someone came from his illiteracy?' He asked tiredly.
Niall was suddenly frozen in Liam's arms, not even hearing Mr. Devine explain how that nasty Jay kid had tried to take Joey from him. Zayn had called him his son. His son. Niall couldn't believe it! He'd never belonged to anyone before! If it wasn't for the coldness of his clothes and the throbbing of his knuckles on his right hand he would've thought this was all a wonderful, glorious, fantastic dream. But it wasn't. And that was making his vision fuzzy and his head feel light. He was shaken out of his bliss when Liam spoke again, the subject of nasty Jay having been wrapped up.
'So will you have to put him back in firsts form?' Liam asked, holding Niall tightly.
'No, I wouldn't do that to him.' Josh said firmly. 'What I was thinking was special tutoring in here to help get him up to speed. He'd still have gym, recess, story time and drama with his class but his work could take place here with one-on-one help and a quiet environment.'
'And who would be tutoring him?' Zayn asked carefully.
'Ahh yes, right sorry.' The teacher said sheepishly. 'Well that would be this man here.'
He gestured to the large, muscular, middle-aged man beside him and the man stood, extending his hand to Zayn. 'I'm the special education teacher, Paul. Paul Higgins.'

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