Part 15

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Clarke woke up the next morning not looking forward to school, because her first lesson was history, which she had with Lexa.

She had been ignoring all of Lexa's texts and calls. She just wanted some space to think about what she going to do.


Clarke get to class early which was nothing new, as the students started to walking in.

She watched them until everyone had entered, but Lexa was nowhere to be seen. That wasn't very strange since the girl was always late that lesson.

15 minutes into the lesson there was a knock on the door and Lexa came in, ignoring the teacher who was speaking to her and looked straight at Clarke. As soon as they made eye contact, Clarke looked back down at her paper in front of her.

"Miss Woods, why are you late?" The teacher asked.

"Because I am" Lexa replied coldly.

"That's not a reasonable answer, Woods. You're late every single day to my lessons, I've given you plenty at chances. You will have a week detention"

"You should be greatfull I even turned up to this shit lesson to begin with" Lexa was looking the teacher up and down.

"How dare you? Two weeks detention!"

"Good luck getting me to show up" Lexa mumbleed. Luckily for Lexa, the teacher didn't hear her.

Lexa headed to the back of the class, the whole time her eyes staying on Clarke. Clarke kept her eyes glued to her paper, not willing to make eye contact with Lexa again.

After the class ended, Clarke packed her stuff really quickly and practically run out of the classroom. She knew Lexa wanted to talk to her, but she didn't want to have this conversation, and definitely not at school.

Lexa watched Clarke run out of the classroom before she had even moved to stand up.

Lexa left the classroom and saw Clarke walking down the hall. I guess I'll see you later then, Lexa thought to herself.

The next time Clarke saw Lexa was later that day when she saw her smoking outside beside her motorcycle.

Clarke stared at her for a while and when Lexa looked at her, Clarke quickly turned around and started heading the other direction.

Clarke was still walking briskly, trying to get away from Lexa, not to have to talk to her, when she was being pulled behind the school building where no one hanged out.

"Hey, watch it! What do you think your doing?'" Clarke said as she tried to pull away. The person who was pulling her turned her around so they were looking at each other faces. Of course it was Lexa.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Lexa said angrily.

"I'm not" Clarke didn't meet Lexa's eye because she knew the other girl could tell she was lying.

"Really? So, You just happned to miss all my texts and calls?" Lexa said.

"Yes, I've been really busy" Clarke said, still looking anywhere but at Lexa.

"BULLSHIT!" Lexa shouted irritated.

"I need to go" Clarke said starting to walk away.

Lexa pulled her back "Talk to me, Clarke" Lexa whispered.

Clarke looked into Lexa's eyes. She could tell the girl was holding back tears, just like her.

"I just need some space" Clarke whispered back, she then pulled her arm out of Lexa grasp and walked away.

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