Part 26

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Clarke was waiting outside her office for Lexa to arrive, since changing doctors meant that she now had free time. She could see that Lexa was already 5 minutes late, and she could only think that it was probably because she was still with Niylah. That was Clarke's last thought before Lexa came into the room.

"Sorry I'm late, I got caught up in traffic" Lexa said.

"Is traffic really the excuse you're using?" Clarke mentally slapped herself, she hadn't want it to say out loud.

"What?" she said, turning her head.

Lexa didn't understand why Clarke was so mad. They had had a great night with all their friends, and after their talk, she had thought that everything was okay with them. And in any case, she should be the one that was angry. She thought back to the night before to figure out if she had done something to upset Clarke, when she figured out that maybe Clarke had seen her with Niylah. Clarke still didn't have the right to be angry, after everything, and they were not together, so if she wanted to have sex with someone else, she could. But anger is sometimes illogical, so she understood that Clarke was angry.

"Sorry that wasn't professional of me, you should go on an talk to your do-" Clarke tried to change the subject as fast as she could, but she had just seen a small hickey on Lexa's neck. What she with a vampire or are they 12?, Clarke thought to herself.

Lexa could see that Clarke was looking at her neck, and she rubbed to back of her neck feeling self conscious, "What are you staring at?"

"Nothing, you just have...something on your neck" Clarke said as she watched Lexa look at herself in the reflection on her phone.

"Oh...I'm sorry, I didn't even notice it"

"You don't need to apologize, you clearly had a fun night" Clarke put on a forced smile.

Lexa realized Clarke waiting for her to answer, so she tried to change the subject, "Yeah, it was great to see everyone again"

Clarke looked at the time and said, "You are already a bit late, so maybe you should get going to you session. It's that door to the left" Lexa nodded her head and started to leave for her session when Clarke gently grabbed her arm to stop her, and spoke again, "My mom has the night shift, and my dad is still working in LA, so you can come over tonight to have dinner with Ella if you want, or if you are not too busy"

"Yeah, that'd be great. I'll be over at six, if that works for you"

"Yeah, that works. And maybe you should cover that up before you come over, unless you want to explain it to Ella..." Clarke said with a sad smile.

Clarke looks down, and noticed she was still holding onto Lexa by her arm, so with a mumbled sorry, she let go of the arm and left. Lexa watched her leave, already missing her touch, and hating herself for it. She looked at her reflection again, remembering the events from the night before.


The night before

Lexa left the bathroom at Lincoln's house to join Niylah. She thought that by sleeping with her, she would forget Clarke. She knew it would probably not work, but she also knew that she couldn't be with Clarke after what she had done to her. She felt sorry for her, after suffering the emotional abuse, but she was still angry at Clarke for not having told her sooner about the pregnancy and Ella. When Clarke had called her all those years ago to tell her about the pregnancy, she should've not yelled at her, but Clarke should've still tried harder. She just needed an outlet for all the emotions she had inside, and maybe Niylah would be that.

When she joined the others, she tried to look for Clarke to say goodbye but she was nowhere to be found. They all started to leave with Lexa and Niylah behind. Lexa was trying to be discreet about her and Niylah, because even though she and Clarke weren't together, she knew that it would hurt her. Just when they were leaving Niylah held her hand, and all she could think was that they weren't as soft as Clarke's. She immediately let go of the hand, and when Niylah looked back to see what was wrong, she just pointed with her head at the friends before them.

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