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Chapter 17:


"Like the cuckoo

crying and the blue flag

wildly blooming in the fifth month

I fall madly in love

not knowing why....."

Akari sat on a porcelain white chair, thinking about this small poem she heard in her literature class. "It's interesting to say the least how people fall in love" she thought, as she spun a small stem of cherry blossoms in her fingers, "but, to not know why, I've felt this way too. I now know why though. It's because the person I fell in love with is the one I need, more than anything..."

"Akari!" One of the maids called, waving to Akari from outside her room, "We're ready to dress you!"

"Ah, okay, coming" Akari answered, standing up swiftly and walking into her bedroom. The maids hurriedly undressed her from the robe she was wearing and put on the pure white dress they had prepared for her. It was extraordinarily beautiful for such a simple design. The waist fit to her petite frame with an embroidered sash, and the skirt flowed as she moved with a silky feel. The top of it was strapless, with a heart-shaped neck. It really brightened Akari's features, making it seem as if she was glowing, but the maids believed she was seemingly brighter for a different reason.

The maids took Akari's sleek and long hair, bringing strands from each side of the front and braiding them together. They then curled the ends of the rest of her hair. The maids wanted to add some make-up, but Akari declined the offer. "Today, I want to be natural, nothing to cover up anything from my true self" Akari told them, making the maids blush with happiness for her.

Everyone in the Koizumi house had seen how Akari's become more bright, she seemed softer, maybe even more delicate, she seemed especially more beautiful. Her brother's noticed this and teased about it, as well.

"Y'know, there are many who believe love makes women more beautiful" Masaki said smugly to Akari a week earlier. All Akari did was look at him and smile, saying "is that so?" and walking away proudly.

"Akari, I believe the ceremony's about to begin" one of Akari's father's assistant informed her.

"Thank you, I'll be right down" Akari said. All of the maids and assistants walked out of her room, leaving her alone to prepare her mind. "If Kyouya will accept someone like me, I won't deny my feelings for him..." Akari whispered to herself, sighing and standing up. She walked down the stairs and over to the entrance of the banquet hall, where her Mr. Koizumi was waiting.

As he saw Akari, he gave a melancholy smile and went over to hug her. "I really wasn't ready to give you away, but I know you won't be happy with just 'daddy's love' now" he said, chuckling softly. Akari wiped a tear from her eye and hugged her father. "Thank you, father, I haven't been this happy in a while" she whispered, smiling into her father's suit jacket.

Akari and her father linked arms, and the doors to the hall opened, showing the huge crowd of guests waiting for her. All of the host club was in the front, they were the best men (Haruhi was a little conflicted in if she should be there or not, but Kyouya said it's fine). Tamaki was weeping with joy and jumping up and down saying "MOMMY'S GETTING MARRIED!". The twins were trying to calm him down, and Hani smiled widely at Akari next to Mori, who also put on a smile. Masaki was sitting in the front with Akari's stepmother. Mr. and Mrs. Akiyima* sat near Mr. and Mrs. Ootori, who were watching Kyouya at the front. All of the maids and servants sat in the second rows. The rest were distant relatives and business associates.

The pianist began to play, and Akari began walking down the aisle with her father, staring straight at Kyouya, who watched her with affection. When she made it all the way to the front, she kissed her father's cheek and separated from him, walking up the steps to the altar. Kyouya saw her and passed her a pure smile, taking her hands into his.

The priest began, saying the beginning of the ceremony. "Kyouya Ootori, do you take this woman to be your wife, to have and to hold, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do" Kyouya answered to him, his voice stern.

"Akari Koizumi, do you take this man as your husband, to have and to hold, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do" Akari answered, holding Kyouya's hand slightly tighter.

"Now, the couple have written their own vows, they shall now say them" He announced, motioning for Akari to go first.

Akari cleared her throat, then began.

"Kyouya, when I first saw you, something immediately clicked in me, like a firecracker burst inside my mind. That moment, the only thing I wanted to do was fill your empty eyes with emotion, I threw away all my goals and thought just for that one dream. I didn't believe I'd fall so into your eyes, I didn't think I would go so far to have to need you by my side, but I have, I've turned into someone who's fully intoxicated with you, and I've never been happier than how I am. Instead of changing you, you've changed my whole way of life, so, thank you, Kyouya, I've really fallen in love with you". As Akari finished her vows, she looked up at Kyouya, her cheeks bright red (she still hasn't really gotten used to being honest). She was surprised to see Kyouya blushing as well, his face seeming awe-struck.

"Now the groom" the priest said, looking over to Kyouya.

Kyouya looked at his paper for a second, put it in his pocket, then stared straight into Akari's eyes.

"I had always thought that the day I would become engaged would be the day I truly sold my soul away to my family's business. I never really believed I would do anything simply because I felt my heart would go off if I didn't. But, Akari, you've changed all of that, everything I stood for, you've made my world turn upside down. I thought you would become a fun toy for me, I didn't think of anyone else's emotions before. But, before I knew it, I was worried about you every minute of the day, and all my thoughts were filled with you. Now, today, I really believe I can't live without you, I don't even know how I've made it without knowing you, and I'm overjoyed that I can make you mine, only mine, so Akari, thank you for this feeling". Akari just stared at him stricken with amore as Kyouya smiled at her and picked up his glasses.

All of the crowd was looking at the couple, watching with jealousy, happiness, and enchantment as the couple looked at each other. Even the priest was a little touched and side-tracked from the vows. He cleared his throat and started to continue. "Please put the rings on each others fingers" the priest told them. They did so, Akari tingling from Kyouya's gentle touch on her fingers.

"You may now kiss the bride!"

Kyouya delicately pulled Akari closer to him, putting his lips onto hers and holding her like he couldn't let go or he'd die. Akari's heart was now full of his taste, his sweet taste. They stayed kissing intensely for a second before they ran down the aisle together, Akari throwing the bouquet (which Haruhi caught, but that story will tell itself ;3 ).

When they got outside to the hallway, Kyouya looked over at Akari and swiftly held her tight, nuzzling her neck. "Akari, thank you, thank you so much" He whispered to her, kissing her cheek softly.

Akari began to cry in happiness, wiping her tears with her hand. "I should be thanking you.." She said softly, holding him. They kissed passionately, not wanting to let go.

"I love you, Kyouya."



*Mr. and Mrs. Akiyima - if you don't remember, they're in chapter 12: More and more surprises


Author's note:

AHHHH OMG I JUST CANT BELIEVE THIS IS ALL ENDING!!!! Ugh, I've had so much fun just writing each chapter and making this fanfic, and you guys have just helped me every time I thought I couldn't continue, THANK YOU, JUST, THANK.YOU. AISHITERU!!!!! Oh, and sorry if this chapter seems sappy and out of character, but I wanted to make it full of MOE~!
There will still be an extra chapter, so I hope you guys will wait and read that as well, I appreciate you all so much, just I can't thank you enough for your reads and votes and comments, YOU'RE ALL AMAZING UNITATOS!!!



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