||Hide Your Girls||

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Do you see his eyes gleam?

Beware,he's coming up with a scheme.

A scheme so terribly lewd,

You'll be appalled by how it is so crude.

There are many like him in this world so petty,

All they're cause is disgrace to families with their minds so messy.

So hide your girls,

Away with their pearls.

She's a precious gem,

Don't lose her to scoundrels like them.

This time help won't come from Justice;

Poor woman's been kept in the dark,

By these folks who've cowered in the time of crisis.

What a time to live in!

It's a sad time to be a girl;

They'll wish you success,

And then scheme to bring you down in a whirl.

[A/N:This poem is dedicated to LiveWildDance for their constant,encouraging support.

I live in a country where even though women are given 'equal' opportunities,they're still brought down in various other ways(aka:rape,abuse,murder,what not) and it's sad.It's oh so terribly sad every day when I sit down to read the newspaper and I'm welcomed by rape and murder or abuse cases every single day.I'm not saying this happens only in my country,it happens everywhere.But it's so sad to live in such a developed(note that I'm not using the word 'progressed' here.We still need to progress in terms of humanity) yet petty world.I sincerely pray for all the victims of abuse and rape.Rest In Piece to the souls who have been sacrificed to murder.]

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