°Chapter Two°

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Hey every one there are a few things that you need to know to understand this chapter. Firstly, France and Canada have a pretty tight father -son bond going on even if France occasionally forgets about Canada. Secondly, Canada is usually only seen by Alfred and Francis with England rarely remembering him without a little help. Thirdly, Matthew is the older twin and takes on the role of overprotective big brother. And last but not least take note of when I say 'Alfred' and when I say 'America.'

"Bon jour ma petite Mathieu how did you sleep?" Francis asked as he rolled a cart full of breakfast food into the nearly empty meeting room.

"I'm fine papa," Matthew responded. "It's just that Alfred doesn't seem like himself yesterday. It was like I was being introduced to a completely new person yesterday. This morning when I woke up he was still sleeping, that isn't really uncommon but I think he might have been crying. When I came closer he stopped and I didn't really have the heart to turn on the light and disturb him if he was really sleeping."

"Do not fret Mathieu he's just still tired from yesterday. I'm sure he'll be alright, he's very resilient. " Francis said comforting his son. "I made you pancakes."

"Thanks Papa." Matthew responded as he placed a few pancakes on his plate trying push any thought of Alfred out of his mind.

"Papa? Why did the Ancients return? I'm not complaining I was just wondering." Matthew said.

Francis whirled around shocked (but still looking fabulous) as he had evidently not thought about it.
"I do not know Mathieu. I assume that they had a reason though. Maybe it will be revealed to us in time."

"Okay Papa." Matthew smiled as he continued savoring France's delicious (although Matthew's are still better) pancakes.

"*Zǎoshang hǎo France, aru." China greeted as he entered the room completely overlooking the blond Canadian.

"*Bon jour China. Pancakes?" Francis questioned as he held out a plate of hot, syrup topped pancakes.

"*Xièxiè France," China nodded as he accepted the plate. "These remind me of *jiu cai bing except I usually top mine with hot sour sauce."

In the background having been forgotten by France and ignored by China, Canada gasped in shock. "That monster! How dare he treat those beautiful pancakes like that."

Slowly the other nations began piling into the meeting room. The Japanese personification came in first, bowed as a greeting and proceeded to enjoy France's pancakes and bacon. The Russian came in next smiling eerily but none the less accepted France's frightened offer of pancakes. Germany arrived afterwards as punctual as always with a cheerful Italian on his arm and another who was behind him insulting his every action. With two calls of thank you, one in German and the other in Italian, and the last thank you being hidden in a curse from the older Italian the three began eating pancakes and bacon.

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