°Chapter Six°

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Italics- Hand Signs
Bold- Diary Entries

The nations sat around the table waiting for the other missing nations to join them.

America was typing away on his phone making arrangements for the other nations to stay with him for an extended period of time. Canada sat next to his brother playing a game on his phone and quietly adding his input on how to be able to properly house the nations. Japan was catching up on his paperwork along with Germany while the two Italians sat next to each other silently.

Russia rolled a tray of food into the room smiling happy to be able to cook for his friends. An upset England and a quiet France struggled into the room a few minutes later and sat in their respective seats. Russia happily served the nations making sure to give America a bit more as he had noticed that he hadn't eaten much at breakfast.

"Can I read?" Alfred asked knowing it would give him an excuse not to eat as much.

"Of course," France said as he handed the younger nation the book.

Dear Diary,
Mon petite Matthieu is such a bright child. He's picking up French very quickly and has taken to following me everywhere, pointing at things and asking me to teach him the right words for them. He's very talkative when he wants to be and he's got such a sweet little voice! He sounds like a little bird, so cute!

"And you are still very cute ma enfant like a miniature version of your Papa Matthieu," Francis cooed. "You are going to grow up to be a heartbreaker, all the ladies and gentlemen will be after you. Just make sure to use protection when you become sexually active Matthieu, you never know what nasty diseases you can get."

"Oh my God Papa!" Matthew exclaimed with a red blush. "Don't say stuff like that its embarrassing."

"Ohonohonhon," Francis laughed. "Your old Papa can teach you a thing or two."

The other nations laughed at Matthew's misfortune except Arthur who remained stubbornly blank faced.

Dear Diary,
Today, a little girl came up to me and said that she wanted to be a marine. When I asked her why she said "I want to give back to the country that has given so much to me." Her great grandparents were German immigrants and she was proud of her heritage and of being an American. Its people like her that reassure me that America is great.

Alfred smiled softly at the memory because it was people like her who gave him the will to keep living.

"Did she become one?" Germany inquired.

"Yup, she actually became a Colonel before retiring after 30 years of service." America said proudly.

Dear Diary,
I thought raising one boy was a challenge but that was before I had two. Just today, I had some errands to run in town so I left the boys alone at home, seeing as they were playing quietly by themselves. But when I arrived home, i found them covered in dirt after spending the afternoon playing in the mud outside! I scolded them for making the mess of course but just between me and you it was a rather endearing sight.

Arthur's serious face melted right off into a loving smile as he remembered the fun he had raising two very active little boys.

"It feels like only yesterday I was bathing them and scrubbing the dried mud of their hair. They fell asleep in the bathtub together, the poor things were completely exhausted, couldn't even stay awake long enough to have something to eat," Arthur thought before his smile dropped. "I had to leave the next day unfortunately, France does have a point I was neglectful. The only reason I had to leave them that day was to get food because the cupboards were empty in after my long absense."

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