Loving and hating goodbye's

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You made me love goodbye's cause everytime we part you would repeatedly say it then kiss me.

I love your goodbye's.

But when you said that this goodbye is for real you made me hate it again.

Your goodbye's were full of happiness but this goodbye left me empty.

Why does goodbye even have to exist?

When we talk at the phone every goodbye is followed by I love you's and laughter's but this goodbye was followed by your voice crying and sorry's.

If it was just easy to forget, if it was just easy to get angry and let go I would've done so but I can't.

You made me hate goodbye's again but you also made me love it.

This ain't goodbye for me its just a pause in our story. I won't say goodbye, I can't cause if I do I'd lose you and hate goodbye's again.

I'll wait for the goodbye's I love again, the goodbye's that will be followed by your I love you's and laughter.

I'll wait for you.

I'll wait for the goodbye's you made me love.

I'll wait till I can press play again, and our story will continue.

Secret Love SongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon