♡ sibling ideas for the salvatore family

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what's good everybody! so i got a request a while back, i can't remember from who (so if it was you just tell me and show me where you said it and i'll put your name here), but it was to do sibling ideas for damon and stefan salvatore so i decided why not throw them together. i mean they're tv show siblings and so i mean if you're writing tvd fan fiction your probably gonna have both. idk what i was getting at originally. oh well.

since i've not seen the show, i can only assume the fan fics involve the same cliche list of people with the queen of cliche (a.k.a. nina dobrev) being the star. since you can't use here are some better kickass sibling ideas for damon and stefan.

the features i tried to focus on the most were definitely the very distinct jaw. so everyone below has a large jaw. i then tried to keep the hair either brunette or dirty blonde at the lightest. for female siblings i also used annie wersching (she played their mom) for inspiration. idk if the vampires in the show had like normal eyes or red eyes so now i've not seen the show so if you feel like i did a poor job i apologize. so here is my list of siblings.

in no particular order:

#1 katie mcgrath

#1 katie mcgrath

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#2 grey damon

#3 marinet matthee 

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#3 marinet matthee 

#3 marinet matthee 

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