(1) Silly String is a Deadly Weapon

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Formal introduction? Later. For now, just know that my name is Edward Carter and I go to Copperview Boarding School. It's a school that helps 'troubled' kids. Ha! More like future convicts. Only the worst of the worst get sent here. So I guess you're wondering if I'm one of them. I was on that path once upon a time, heading straight for the rabbit hole. But something happened to me three months into my school year. Something kind of awesome.

But first, a quick background, a glimpse into my sparkling life. I've been bullied since like, forever basically. Yes, my parents know about so don't you dare start thinking 'poor little guy' or 'how cliché'. It might be cliché to you, but it's real for me. And I'm not the kind of kid that sits back and just take it. Nope, not me. What I did was tell my parents cause I tell them everything and they would tell the school and then the school would get most of the bullies. Most being the key word here. I only really complained because it's never just one kid. There's always a bunch of us getting knocked around so I became the one voice for them. What do I get in return? I get called a snitch, tattletale, momma's boy, backstabber, etc. That's how I got 'asked' to leave my first school when I was five. I wasn't officially kicked out of a school until I was eight. Huge fight; I didn't start it but I sure as hell ended it. No one, I mean no one messes with my friends. I was expelled on the spot. And that's how my life went until I came to Copperview.

"Sweetie, this year will be a good one," my mother encouraged me. Just from the tension in her voice I could tell she didn't really believe that. She and my father had driven me from our home in Syracuse, New York to Copperview. My mother, Martha Carter, still retained a slight accent from her time in England. Her soft brown hair was tied back in a tight pony tail. We shared the same chalky, gray eyes, though hers looked far kinder than mine. She and my father had me young so she shouldn't have had the wrinkles she did. Those were because of me.

"Edward," my father walked over to us. Callum Carter was a tall, strong, impressive man. I got my messy charcoal hair from him. That's basically the only way to really tell we're related. But his old college buddies said that while I look like my mother, I fight like my father. "Meet your guidance counselor, Jay Andras." My father patted the man on the back.

"Hi," I avoided eye contact.

"Hello Edward," Mr. Andras smiled at me. Okay, so dude looked like he bench two hundred and fifty pounds (my dad can do two seventy five for the record). He kept his hair trimmed and military grade approval. I could tell just by looking at him that he used to be some sort of fighter, and I've learned to trust my instincts.

"Mr. Andras, my husband filled you in on Edward's personal history, right?" the concern in my mother's voice made me nervous.

"He has Mrs. Carter. And may I just say that your son seems to have a good heart," He gave her a warm smile.

"Sometimes too good I'm afraid," she sighed.

"Mom!" I shot her a look. You all know the look.

"Sorry!" She looked at me the way she always did when she let her thoughts slip out, with pity.

"Edward, if you hurry off in that direction," Mr. Andras pointed behind him, "you'll find your dorm advisor." And so I jogged off thankful to get away from my worry wart of a mother.

It took me three months to understand the true nature of Copperview. It's not my fault, I promise you. You'll see why as you read on. Anyway! I sat through three months of boring classes and small time jerks before I even began to understand and I only did when I met Zay Donner. Curly blond hair, seaweed green eyes, and a grade below me. He always had this wild look in his eyes, liked he dared trouble to find him. And that Friday morning, trouble had obliged.

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