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"Alright listen up everyone!" Ash yelled his voice at the group. Everyone gave their attention to him. "I know I'm the one who's suppose to save this world, but I need help from every one of you. Each one in this room is a special piece to my puzzle to save this world once more. So with that being said, I'm going to have to give you all some training"

Everyone sweat dropped to that, they all know how hard Ash trained when they traveled together

"Don't worry" he said. Everyone sighed in relief. "We will train in your minds. All of us together"

"WAIT WHAT?!" Dawn and May yelled at the same time.

"How we suppose to do that?" Brock asked.

"What the hell you've got me weirded out" Gary stated as well

"Guys settle down," Ash said. "No one will get hurt while training in our minds"

"How is this gonna help us on the out side?" Misty asked

"Well, do you see how I am? I trained in my mind for 3 years and look at me now" Ash said while sticking his tongue out at her

"Why you litt-" she started to say

"I wouldn't try that if I were you" Ash interrupted her. "Anyways, everything that you physically do is part of your mentality. If you don't think you can do something, you mentally block yourself. In this case, training you in your minds and me being there, will help you train faster and be ready to fight along with me. We don't have much time so I'm doing this now"

Everyone nodded in agreement, "lets go" they all said together

"Alright, lets go settle in the cave. It'll take us a while" Ash said and then walked into the cave. Everyone followed him. Ash sat down and told them to make a circle. Everyone did what he said. "Dawn and May, you need to settle down. Don't be nervous. I can feel that you are." Ash said.

"Well I mean, I've never done this before! I don't know what to expect. What if we get hurt?" Dawn said worried

"Trust me, no one will get hurt. I'm here, no one will get hurt on my watch. We can't waste too much time. Just relax, we all will be together" Ash explained

Dawn and May nodded and settled down. "Everyone ready?" Ash asked. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Alright everyone take each other's hand and DO NOT LET GO" he added. "What happens if we let go?" Gary asked. "You will continue to fall until I come and get you. That's a pain in the ass, so don't do it" Ash retorted. Gary gulped and nodded. Everyone grabbed each other's hands. Serena took Ash's and he noticed that she was worried, "don't worry" he said. She looked at him and he smiled, "I've got you" she smiled back. "Everyone ready?" he asked. Everyone nodded. Ash then began a ritual Arceus taught him and next thing everyone knew, they were in a room floating. Everyone started to freak out, "settle down" Ash said with power in his voice. Everyone turned to him and saw his eyes were blue again. Ash then made a floor for everyone to stand on, "okay, now you can let go." he said. Everyone did and was shocked.

"Alright, first thing is balancing, we need to work on everyone's balance here." he said. They all looked at him crazy. "What does balancing have to do with fighting?" May asked. "I didn't specifically say you were fighting along side of me. I said each one of you play a part in me saving the world. I didn't say you would be the one fighting. I can't take them all on at once. So, I'm here to help y'all be able to dodge what they have coming at us" he explained. "That doesn't mean anything about balancing" Gary said. "Well then, come at me and see what you've got in hand to hand combat against me" he said.

Gary then darted right at him. He threw a right punch at Ash. Ash easily managed to dodge. Gary threw another one and Ash caught it. He twisted his arm and threw him over his back. Gary stumbled after being let go. "See if you had better balance, you would have been able to land that and continued to attack me. Point made" Ash exclaimed

Everyone just stood there, then Ash suddenly made a balance beam about 12 feet high. "Alright, I want everyone to go stand on that beam" Ash said. He then made a little stair case to the beam. Everyone sweat dropped to the order, but went up to it. Dawn May and Serena managed to easily to step on it due to their performances. Everyone else had a bit if trouble but found their balance.

"Alright, balance there for 5 minutes. Just relaxed and standing there. That's all I want you to do first." Ash said. Everyone nodded and relaxed and balanced. 5 minutes passed and everyone was doing just fine. "Alright, now lets see how balancing on 1 foot is" Ash said. Everyone sweat dropped but tried to do it. Everyone fell at least once, Ash caught them with his powers and out them back the beam. After a while, Ash managed to improve their balance.

"Alright, next thing to learn is dodging." he said. Everyone looked at him crazy. "You're gonna have to learn to dodge punches, bullets, and attacks" everyone sighed. "Alright, who's first?" he asked. Brock stepped up, "I am" Ash nodded and started his training

Brock walked over to the middle of the room. Suddenly Ash became into 4 people. "You must learn to protect yourself when there is more than one. Don't worry if you hit one of my other forms, they will disappear. Just like a double team." then he started to walk at Brock. Brock took off to his left and dodged one of the Ash's. He then picked him up and that Ash disappeared. Then the other 3 darted at him and Brock went for the one on his right. That Ash caught him and smirked all the other Ash's disappeared. "Good, you found me. Now lets see what you can do" Ash then threw his arm and Brock caught it and tried to toss Ash. Ash just smiled and hip tossed him. "Not bad, that would be fine against other people that aren't me" Ash added while having a little laugh. Brock laughed too and headed back to the group. "Alright who's ne-" he started to say but stopped himself.

Serena got worried, "Ash what's wrong?"

Ash just stood there, "we have some intruders in the cave. We need to get back. Everyone you all ready?"

They all nodded and Ash brought them back to the cave. Where they were met with sirens going off and Clement screaming. "WE HAVE INTRUDERS GUYS!" he yelled.

"I know" Ash said, then he channeled his aura and looked for the presence. He found it and his heart dropped. He hasn't felt this kinda of power of someone before. "Guys we need to stop them from coming in, Now" he then sent out his whole team.

"What's going on?!?" Dawn asked

"We need to stop this person from coming-" Ash started to say but was cut off by someone walking in.

"Well well, if it isn't the boy who is causing problems to my plans" a man with large red hair said while walking in.

Everyone just stood their in shock. Ash then started to speak up, "I'm giving one choice to leave right now. Before everything gets nasty here"

The man started to laugh, "I should be the one saying that to you. I'm giving you one choice, don't ruin my plans on changing this world"

Ash just smirked, "no can do" he then darted straight at him but was stopped. Ash was floating there until pain hit him. "AHHHHHHHH!" he screamed while being shocked. Suddenly a Malamar appeared and froze time. The red hair man started to walk to Ash's friends. He walked past them all until he met with Serena. He smirked and saw the fear in Serena's eyes. He picked Serena up and walked back to Ash. "You must not know my name Ash Ketchum. I am Lysander, this is my warning to not mess my plan up to make this world a better place"

Ash started to scream, "SERENA!!!! AHHHHH!!" he then felt pain again. The pain hit him and all his friends until they blacked out. Just before Ash blacked out, he saw Lysander carrying Serena out his view.

"Serena, no........" he managed to say before he blacked out.....

There's the chapter! I'm sorry its a late update. I had the ACT this morning so I couldn't work on it. It was a busy day and my brain was fried. It was hard to think of a chapter but I managed to out one out. Like always, hope you enjoy the chapter! Until next tims, peace!

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