Chapter 6

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Oh and the last chapter was the males pov obviously not the soldier


As I sweep and cleaned one spot, the spot I had perviously cleaned would get dirty by someone else as they rushed by with any supplies or assortments they needed. I sighed in frustration as more grit fell onto the previously clean floor.

The sun only moved a quarter of the way down the sky when I last looked at it. Slouching just a little I had more too go. The kitchen was always in use. They never really stopped till the next day bakery goods were set too either go into the oven and placed, or if there ready for the next day.

It sucked they work day through night and never take in consideration of a clean floor that can make them slip a little and fall. It eritated me with there highness and none of them think of those who clean below them. Eventually I gave up with the broom and grabbed a mop. This would help it get cleaned easier and possibly faster.

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