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I know you want this for life
Taking pictures with all my ice
But I can't have no wife
I just want you for the night
I know you want this for life
Taking pictures with all my ice
But I can't have no wife
I just want you for the night

I let out a long groan as I rolled over to turn off my phone's alarm. Everything hurts. My head was pounding, my face felt like I had hot coals on it and on top of that it was really freakin early.
I hate getting up early. Like seriously it was a horrible thing. College was a horrible thing but if Marcus and I wanted to keep getting our biweekly allowance it was one of the stipulations in getting it. Yes, we still get allowances from both our parents. It was how we are able to pay our rent and live since none of us got jobs. God bless having wealthy parents.

Glancing at the time I noted that it was 6:15 and my classes didn't start till 10:25.
'Okay so if I hussle we can probably grab a decent breakfast.' I thought to myself.
You know what? Our asses was dumb for signing up for morning classes like the drive to the university was only like 15 minutes away but calculating in California's horrendous traffic it will take me almost an hour to get there. It was mornings like these that I seriously thought about foregoing college and just becoming a drug dealer. Become the black female version of Walter White. Just without all the bullshit parts. Chuckling at my stupid thoughts I stretched my limbs popping my joints as I did so before hopping out of my lush bed,making my way to my bathroom to shower.

"My face..." I murmured as I looked at myself in the mirror. My beautiful face was now adorned with a nasty looking bruise. This was going take forever to cover! Ugh.

After a quick 15 minute shower I exited my bathroom in my silk robe and made my way to my vanity to start on my makeup.

'I'll go for a subtle eye look today.' I thought as I quickly went to work. While I was finishing up my eye makeup a knock startled me a bit causing me to almost fuck up the wing I was doing. Oh whoever it was better thank their lucky stars that I didn't jump.

"Yo?" I called out in response to the knock and my brother opened my door to peek at me.

"You ain't finished yet? Girl come on we are hungry!" Wow he was whining...that was really annoying.

"Give me a bit I just gotta finish. Like 15 minutes." I muttered as I started to apply my foundation. I glanced at him and frowned "You ain't dressed either." 

"It takes me 5 minutes to throw on my  shit. Now hurry!" He ordered closing my door. Pushy little asshole isn't he?

True to my words I was finished with my makeup in 15 minutes and I wasn't going to so much with my hair just throwing it in a messy top knot. Being the smart gal that I was I laid my outfit out last night choosing a nice brown turtleneck dress, some flats and pairing them with my MK tote bag and a red choker with fake diamonds. It was cheap but cute.

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