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Y'all wanna know what birds happily chirping in the morning sounds like when your hungover?

It sounds like exactly like God saying "Fuck you." Exactly like that.

I let out long painful groaned as I opened my eyes but immediately shut them. I was not in my room with the blackout curtains drawn closed. Oh no, I was laying on the living room couch, with the sun brightly pouring into the room.

"Fuck." I groaned as I turned so I was facing the cushions of the couch.

'What time was it anyway?'  I thought when I got as comfortable I could get with my dress still on. I immediately, and when I say immediately I mean as soon as that thought crossed my mind I regretted it because that little thing call twin telepathic link. I swear it's a real thing !

Anyways as soon as I thought that Marcus came running down from his room, ran into the living room and jumped on me.

"Marcie!" He yelled as he practically smothered me. "Time to get up bitch!" Was it too late to become an only child? Was murder really an answer? No...I'd miss him too much.

"What do you want Marcus?" I asked. My voice was muffled from me being pressed into the couch cushions. Marcus got up off of me but I kept laying in the position I was in.

"Well since you and your girls kept me up last night, you are buying me and Namjoon coffee. Now get up! It's almost 2 pm your friends already left!"

Shit! I forgot about my girls! I quickly sat up and I never learn do I? Because as soon as I did that I felt my stomach lurch foward and I was soon scrambling to make it to my bathroom or a trash can or a sink something to vomit. I lucked out and made it to the small trash bin that sat next to my vanity. After I emptied my stomach I sat on thr ground for a minute barely noticing Namjoon standing in my door way, a scowl on his perfect face and his hand holding something out for me. I glanced up when I heard him clear this throat. He was holding out 4 pills. Two Advils, what looked to be a nausea pill and a Norco. I understood the first three but why a Norco?

My answer came to me 5 seconds later when I stood up and felt a sharp shooting pain from my left arm. What the fuck did I do last night?

Apparently Namjoon was a psychic because he answered that before I could even ask.

"Your dumbass decided to climb a fucking tree , which sober you doesn't know how to fucking do, but drunk apparently thought you did in heels I mind you. You got up about 4 feet, one of your heels broke and you fell...then started bawling your eyes out because you broke your shoe. I had to carry your sobbing ass home." He hissed out and I felt my face starting blush with embarrassment.

And yet I'm not surprised. I was mixing my liquor last night and that always ends up messy.

"Yeah...sorry about that." I muttered as I took the pills from his hands, quickly popping the Advil and nausea medication in my mouth saving the Norco for when I had food in my stomach and grab a water bottle from my vanity to swallow them down. That water felt and tasted like Angel's tears. I chugged the rest down before setting the empty bottle down mentally making a note to toss it in the recycling.

"I hope you know you are in serious trouble." Namjoon hissed out at me.

I lowkey forgot he was there for a moment. I took my hungover ass a bit to process his tone of voice. It was a menacing authoritative tone that sent a chill down my spine. Feeling like a child being reprimanded, I lowered my head to look at the floor as I tugged at the hem of the dress. I really did cause him a lot of trouble last night.

"When Marcus goes to bed tonight meet me in my room, understood?"

I nodded my head too ashamed to speak.

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