Looks pretty, nice, and cute.
But she was not this innocent.
She has been a hunter for money, killing men and she was crazy, she was a drug addict and much more.
At ten, is when it started.
She kidnapped little babies and killed them,
At fifteen she got her first boyfriend,
also killed her first boyfriend.
She dated him for two months until he dumped her, so then she murdered him.
She had her second boyfriend at eighteen, they both hunted for money and were drug addicts.
Until he cheated on her.
She murdered him, seven wounds and shot him.
She was then put in The Trials.
The Trials
HororBased off Saw, a young kid, grown up to have watched one too many Saw movies, decided to put matter into his own hands, he paid anonymous to kidnap any stranger out on the streets, find out information about them, he invented traps for them to escap...