The War;Jack

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There's a war going on. Germany vs Ireland. The War started when a German bomb was accidentally dropped in Ireland. Ireland get mad and declared war on Germany. Thousands of young men joined the Army. Hundreds didn't even make it though the first battle.

My names Jack. I'm 17 and in high school. Well,was. My father sent me to fight in the war. I wish he hadn't. I didn't want to kill anyone. Also, I had never been good with a gun.

I stood in line while my caption barked orders to us. I was sweating like a pig. The other soldiers looked ready. I was shaking. I wanted to throw up. Then, the Germans marched over the hill.

I felt my breath hitch. Thousands. Bullet proof vests, helmets with scanning shot visors, highly efficient rifles and snipers. Packs and packs of of bullets. Then, the starting shot was fired.

Because I wasn't good with a gun, my order was to run to the back. My side ran forward. But the Germans went for the back first. The weak. They battered through the front line.

I was running. Trying. My mind wreaked with thoughts. All I could hear was the sound of guns and screams. Suddenly, I heard someone.

"KID, LOOK OUT!" I when to look back to see who the voice was,never stopping. Suddenly, everything was in slow motion. I heard a bang. Pain shot up leg, into my body. I fell, but I couldn't get up. My vision was blurry, my throat burning. I could hear muffled screams. Who's were they? I realized they were mine.

Then everything went black.

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