e p i s o d e | s e v e n t e e n (pt. 1)

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I looked up at my mother in confusion as she grabbed my hand, leading me towards the front door

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I looked up at my mother in confusion as she grabbed my hand, leading me towards the front door. She had me in one grip, and a large suitcase in the other. I'd seen her running around the house for a while now, and I'd just watched from the side. I had no idea what was going on.

"We're going to leave, Rowan," she told me. "We're leaving for good."

All I thought was, Good. I hated my father.

But before we could even take a step out of the house, the front door slammed open. My mom shoved me behind her, and I took off for the kitchen closet. I could smell that he'd gone to the bar.

"Where are you going?" I heard him shriek.

"We're leaving!" is all my mother screamed back at him.

"No. No you're not."

A slow breath slides out of me as I place a hand against my cheek thoughtfully. I haven't had to think about my past in a long time. Anna brings all of these memories back to me, and that's partially the reason as to why I've always tried to avoid her. Of course, it's not the full story. But it's enough.

"My dad would drink a lot," I start. Anna continues staring intently at me with widened, innocent eyes, as if she's a child who's listening to a bedtime story. "And you know, drunk people to crazy things. You'd already recognize that."

She nods, encouraging me to continue.

"My mom had been the heiress to her father's company, but she gave up the business world to take care of me. When her father died, she got a lot of money from him. And she'd use that to support the family." I just realize that I have no idea how to talk about this, because the last time I told someone about my history was Kai – and not in great detail. "Anyway," I continue hastily, "I guess my dad was getting fed up with the fact that he was working on his own business – which wasn't going well – and that essentially meant that we were living off my mom's money. I guess that was really a big hit to his ego. And since his business wasn't going very well, it only stressed him out even more. So that's when the drinking started."

I expect Anna to say something at this point, since she's usually so questioning, but she just remains looking at me. There's something fascinated about her gaze, though also not surprised. I wouldn't be surprised if Kai had already told her the general idea. He probably did, just to scare her away from me. It sounds like something he'd do.

"My mom changed our last names back to her maiden name, and on the day that she received confirmation, she decided to leave my dad for good." I blink, unfazed, at the night. It's unusually quiet outside, for being in a party zone – or maybe I've just tuned everything else out. "Of course, that didn't work out very well. My dad came back just as we were about to leave. And he made sure that she would never be able to set foot away from him again – by killing her."

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