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Rowan is, of course, the last one to show up in front of our house

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Rowan is, of course, the last one to show up in front of our house. Grandma had been pleased about the selection of people we were taking with us – she'd said something about how I could make more friends, ironically enough – and the disdain on Kai's face was purely noticeable. When Benji and Sawyer were informed of Rowan's arrival prior to, the looks on their faces were priceless as well. Luckily enough, it seemed that Sawyer would get along with everyone, at the very least.

"Are we taking one car to this hotel?" she asks, breaking the tension as Rowan parks his in front of our curb.

"Rowan's is big enough to fit all of us!" Valentine offers.

Rowan had just gotten out of his van, and he glances at us as we all stare at him. "What?" he demands defensively.

"We're thinking about taking your car," Sawyer calls.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Aww, come on, Hawthorne. It's the only way we can fit all of us and our shit inside!" Valentine points out. Kai and Benji remain quiet, but I just lift my eyebrows at Rowan pointedly.

He rolls his eyes. "I'm not driving. I'm tired." Tossing his keys to Sawyer, he walks over to us and throws Kai a sideways look. "Take the wheel, Rivera. I don't trust anyone else with it."

I notice Kai giving me a they-know-each-other? look and pretend not to have seen it. It would probably be better not to reveal Sawyer and Rowan's histories, if Kai is already unaware of it.

"Awesome!" Val squeals. She's the one carrying the most excitement at the moment. "Shotgun!" With that, she scampers off towards the passenger side and sits cheerfully next to Sawyer in the driver's seat.

There's a noticeable awkward tension lingering amongst the remaining four of us.

"I'll take the back," Rowan offers.

"Me, too," Kai and I simultaneously say at the same time. I raise an eyebrow at him, while he just throws me a concerned look. I guess he's still not over trying to "protect" me from Rowan.

Benji taps Kai on the shoulder. "Come on, man. Let's not keep them waiting any longer."

Score. Benji's impatience has saved the day.

Rowan and I crawl into the row of back seats and I watch as Kai and Benji move into the middle row. Kai glances over his shoulder at me for moment, and I silently shake my head at him. We've gotten pretty good at communicating with one another without talking, so I hope he can read that I'm asking him not to start any tension here.

A few minutes after Sawyer starts driving away from the house, my phone buzzes, signaling a text message, and I notice that it's from Rowan. When I glance up at him, he just nods his chin at the screen.

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