Robin I x Reader -You mess up

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Y/S/N = Your Superhero Name
Y/N = Your Name
S/N = Sisters Name
"Team, this is Y/S/N. Y/S/N, this is the team." Batman introduced me. I fiddled with my shirt, not daring to make eye contact with any of them. I didn't even want to be here. I was doing just fine as a street rat. Okay, so I lost control once! That doesn't mean I need to be here. Stupid pyrokenisis.
"Hi! I'm..." Kid Flash began. "Robin!" The boy in the mask quickly jumped in. "I'm Robin, this is Kid Flash, that's Miss Martian, that's Aqualad, the grumpy one in the back is Superboy, and that's Artemis." I waved at them. "I'm Y/S/N, but you can call me Y/N." I introduced myself. "Y/N, that's pretty." Robin said, then he blushed, causing me to blush.
"Right, you can call me Wally." Kid Flash said, giving Robin a strange look. "I'm M'gann, but you can call me Megan. It's an earth name." The Martian piped up. I nodded. "My friends call me Kaldur." Aqualad said formally, and I noted the pronunciation. "Conner." The boy in the back said shortly. "And you?" I asked the archer, trying to be polite. She snorted. "Artemis." I frowned. "Oh."
Black Canary walked in. "Training time." She chirped, and everyone walked into the next room, leaving me no choice but to follow. Some sort of training simulation was set up. "Superboy, Robin, you two go first." The two chosen walked into the simulation, and got into sparring stances. Superboy charged, but Robin was ready, jumping out of the way. Superboy charged again, and Robin grabbed his arm, flipping him.
The simulation read, 'Superboy, fail.' They walked off. I smiled at Robin. "Cool." I commented quickly, and he beamed at me. "Y/S/N, Artemis, you next." Black Canary cried.
I walked on nervously, while Artemis strutted on as if she owned the stage. We readied ourselves, then she ran at me. I ducked out of the way, leaping to the left. She kicked, and I barely avoided it. Then, she followed up with an onslaught of punches and kicks that I could barely block. I was overwhelmed.
I was getting tired, and a few of her attacks made contact. I stumbled. "Nononononono!" I screamed, trying to get my powers under control. I was too late. A wall of flames shot up, separating me from her. It advanced forward, the way it did last time.
Then, it abruptly stopped. I felt tired and empty. The flames fought against whatever was staying them. The last thing I saw was Robin running towards me, then I blacked out.
"Y/N!" My little sister, S/N, shrieked as I playfully let the flames dance around her. They made shapes and she laughed. I stared at the fire, watching how it moved. It pulsed, like a heartbeat. My fire was alive.
"Y/N?" S/N sounded scared, but I wasn't listening. I was too mesmerized by my living fire. It was like it had a mind of its own. I'd never seen such a power. It wanted me to let it take control, so it could protect me from the dark.
"Okay." I granted it permission absentmindedly, and it shot up like an ocean of flame, a rouge wave. It zipped around the room, burning anything in sight. Then it saw her.
"No!" I screamed, but it was too late. S/N was gone, replaced by ashes and coals. My only family.
Y/N! Wake up!
I felt cold, colder than I'd ever been before. "Huh?" "She's waking up." I opened my eyes to see Robin and the rest of the team looking at me.
"Artemis?" I asked quietly. "I'm fine. Megan put up a telekinetic wall to stop the flames. The important thing is, are you okay?" I sat up, hugging myself. "It's cold." I shivered as though to prove my point. Robin threw an extra blanket over me. It didn't help, but I tried not to let that show.
"Thanks." He nodded, looking worried. "What happened?" I looked away. "My fire, it took control. It does that sometimes." I felt my eyes watering, and wiped them before the team could see.
One by one, they left. There was nothing left to be said. I looked up, and Robin was still here. He sat next to the bed and took my hand.
"We'll help you learn to control it." He assured me, but I shook my head. "Yes, we will." He said it so determined, you'd think that he was the one who almost killed Artemis.
"Oh, and I suppose you have a couple pyrokenetics lying around who can give me some pointers?" I asked sarcastically. He grinned. "Nope, fresh out of those. But we've got the next best thing." I cocked my head at him.
"People who want to help you, and who go through similar things. I mean, Megan's weakness is fire, but you could train with her. She can't quite control her abilities either, and just like with you, it's a mental thing. And I'm always here to help." He said, saying the last part gently.
I nodded, contemplating his proposition. "Okay, I think that will work." I looked at him, smiling. "Thank you." He grinned. "Anything to help." I pulled him into a hug, which he returned.
Maybe this team thing wouldn't be so bad.

Okay, my first one shot, what do you think? Please comment, and I take requests! Thanks bunches!

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