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Virgil paced in front of Logan's door. There were a million ways this  could go wrong, and really only one way it could go right.

Virgil  wanted to ask Logan out. The logical side had somehow managed to sneak  into Virgil's heart, and it kind of sucked. Anything Logan did made his  heart flutter and made his mind go blank. If Logan adjusted his glasses  or tie, flutter. If Logan insulted Princey, flutter. When Logan gave him a cup of coffee in the morning, flutter. If Logan said  Virgil's name or talked to him, flutter. Gosh forbid Logan smiled. Every time he did, Virgil had to resist the urge to double over and grip his chest.

Virgil  wasn't sure how the nerd had managed to steal his heart. If it was  Patton or Roman it would have made sense. Patton was kind, energetic, sensitive, and looked at Virgil like he wad the world. Roman was confident, romantic, and creative.

What  is Logan? Logan is... Logan is honest. Virgil could always count on Logan to  tell it how it is, even if it's not good. Logan is straightforward, he never had to guess what was going on with him. Logan is steadfast and  constant. Logan treats Virgil the same way he would treat anyone else.  Patton was especially gentle with Virgil, as if the slightest criticism  would break  him. Roman was the opposite. Logan would encourage any good  idea, and shoot any bad idea down without restraint. It doesn't matter who it comes from.

But Virgil felt special around Logan, as  if any glance sent towards him was especially for him. He felt that  Logan defending him from Princey's comments was more than trying to  redirect the conversation to a more productive topic. That Logan made an  effort to make Virgil heard. That Logan would never duck out on him if he didn't want him to. That Logan might like him as more than a  friend.

Finally, Virgil knocked. It wasn't  even thirty seconds before the door opened. Logan looked surprised to  see Virgil. The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he stood to  the side to grant Virgil access to his room.

"Virgil, come in."

He sounded almost happy to see Virgil. There had to be a reason, right?

Virgil went in and sat on the bed.

"You seem nervous, is something wrong? Would you prefer we go to your room?"

Virgil shook his head.

"I just, I guess I just wanted to see you."

Logan gave a large, genuine, shockingly radiant smile.

"You wanted to see me?"

His reaction was rather off-putting, and Virgil could feel himself freeze.

"Well, I just said that, didn't I?"

Logan nodded. "I suppose you did. What for?"

"I need to tell you something."


"Well, you know I'm gay?"

Logan raised an eyebrow. "Of course, we all are. Thomas is gay, so naturally-"

"Yeah, well," Virgil interrupted, "what I mean to say is, I'm gay, and you're gay-"

"None of this is news to me, Virgil." Logan noted.

"I know, I just thought, maybe we could, I don't know, be gay together?"

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