Chapter 19

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Your POV

It was Rap Monster. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey, Y/n. Is Torii there?" He asked. I spoke, "Uh, yeah, she is actually. Why?" "Well then, could you please put her on speaker? I have to tell you both something." He asked. "Sure." I put the phone call on speaker. "You're on speaker, Rap Mon. So what's up?" I asked. "...Suga and Jimin are in the hospital." He spoke so quietly I almost couldn't hear him. Jimin and Suga in the hospital? But why? I wanted to ask him those questions but I couldn't form them. "They...they were running across the street to get to your house since we got back from our concerts and stuff last night. A car was going too fast to slow down and..." He trailed off, but didn't have to continue. "What...what hospital are they in?" I managed to get out. "Yellowstone Hospital." He said softly. "Thanks Namjoon." I said. I ended the call. Torii's hand was covering her mouth. She looked up at me. We got ready as fast as we could to get to the hospital. We ran into the there, asking the secretary which room they were in. She smiled warmly at us. "They're in Room 13." We ran into there, and the group was there. No one noticed us, so we just stood outside. Then V looked at us outside the room. He got up and started talking to us. "Hey Y/n, Torii. You guys can come in if you want. We're all friends here, right?" We nodded. So we followed him inside into the room. Their heartbeats were normal, which was good. That means that they could live. Most likely not, though. Lot of people have died from car accidents lately. To be more accurate, people died lately from fast cars. I guess I fell asleep cause Torii was shaking me back and forth when I did wake up. "Oh hey Torii. What time is it?" I asked sleepily. "It's 12." She said. I got up and we went home. We got up late and we were also running late for school so we had to get there quickly. Lucky for us, the school day passed by pretty quickly. We walked straight to the hospital right after school ended. I was reading a book for school when the heart monitor stopped. "Torii!" I cried as I shook her awake. "Call the doctor now!" She went outside to call for the doctor that was tending to them. He rushed in quickly. "Ok, girls, I'm sorry but I have to ask you to leave now." We nodded and went outside the room. I called Rap Monster to tell him the news. Fifteen minutes later, the rest of BTS was with us. It didn't look like they were going to survive at all. When the surgery was almost done, I got up to get water. When I was drinking it, something brushed past me so I turned around though I knew I was alone. I felt my eyes go bigger when I saw Jimin. To be accurate...his ghost. But if I'm seeing his ghost then..."Jimin, no. You can't be dead." I sobbed. "I'm sorry, Y/n but I am. I'll try to return to you I promise I'll try." He kissed my forehead, and disappeared from sight. I walked back to Torii and BTS. "The doctors aren't sure if they'll live." Torii's voice cracked. "They've come back but went into critical shock(forgot what it was called) twice, so the doctors think they won't make it. There's a chance they'll live but it's 10% in 100%." More tears came. "But he promised me." I whispered to myself. One of the doctors came out. We all waited nervously. "Suga and Jimin are ok...for now. We're not sure if they'll live at all. There's a very slimmer chance of them living now, than there was earlier." The doctor walked away to talk to a nurse.

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