The Dolls

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We were led out into the courtyard, and in front of us were freaky dolls with our names on it. The one with my name on it stared at me with her coal black eyes, daring me to come closer. The Taker held up and random doll, it's name was Jack.
"These are your dolls. You must protect them for the game. We are going to hide them from you in this vast woods, and your job is to find a doll that is not yours and destroy it. The doll is physically connected with your blood so if I punch the doll in the stomach, they can feel it." The Taker held the doll up and punched it in the stomach, and a boy with cropped black hair no bigger than me groaned and clutched his tummy like a wound. Ok, this is freaky, if someone finds my doll and destroys her, I'll die. "And, if you see someone else you MUST kill them or else you will lose a useful limb painfully. Now, here on this table are weapons, and we will line you up so girls get first grab. Boys, I don't give a shit on what you get." Not only was he evil, but he was sexist!

Always go for the bow and arrows and the dagger, those are the best weapons. The thought just pinged in my head last week when I stupidly signed the contract with this dodgy man. Should I go for the bow and arrow? I can't trust him but I do have good aim. I eyed up the gleaming silver bow accompanied with professional arrows, at least 20 of them, stacked up in a shoulder bag. A small part of me wanted that, but then I saw the sword. It was actually pretty professional, with a proper grip and a point that draws blood when to tap the end. I wanted both of them but I knew I had to stick with the bow and arrow. You that movie, what's it called, ah, The Hunger Games, and that girl, Katniss Everdeen, she is my role model. I have her bravery, her aim, but not her desire to win. I can't win. I actually can't. Tom said Jack was a sporty lad and did loads of training everyday. No way can I beat him.

"Ladies, are you ready? Form a line with.. Masie first and then go once at a time. You can kill people after 5 minutes, I would like to call this, the," He chuckled eerily," The peaceful period. And now, watch my skills as I magically whisk away the dolls." He sounded like he was a ringmaster drumming his audience and waiting for the finale.

The Taker snapped his fingers. I watched the dolls as they snapped out of view, they just disappeared, just like that. Poof! They left a trail of murky mist in their wake. Each person's were different colors, mine was deep marine blue. They shimmered and sparkled like the moon and disappeared shortly afterwards. He gave us no warning when we had to collect our weapons.

"GIRLS GO! MASIE GO!" He screeched, clapping his dirty dry hands together, his yellow nails clotted with mud and... blood? He looked at me and smirked in that way where your legs wobbled like jelly and you wished you sank into the ground. Masie went first, she dawdled over her choice of weapon and I could feel the pressure building inside of her like active volcano. In the end she grabbed a belt with different pockets and daggers. Very useful, I thought. Masie gave me a quick  goodbye glance, her eyes full of sympathy and fear as she rushed away into the woods. Everyone watched her, and might go after her. They might go after me. I tried to push my thought aside as I stepped up to the weapon table.

It was filled with promising items but I was drawn to the bow and arrows. I didn't give my actions a second thought as I grabbed the bow and the little arrow bag and slung it over my shoulder. I started to run the opposite side of Masie, but I stopped and looked at Tom. He watching me, his eyes showed no sign of fear, only hope.

 I hoped someone would save us from this sick game.

I wish I never was kidnapped.

I wish.

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