01 - Camera flares and dares

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The deep fog engulfed me and I struggled to make it to the front steps of the abandoned house without tripping. Murder Manor, to be specific. Just looking at the place would probably make me shit my pants, if I weren't high as a kite right now. Not many people have even seen the place, just a few brave or drunk teenagers. And now I'm doing the same thing. Oh god, what am I doing here again? Was a dare really worth breaking and entering into a house rumored to be haunted? Maybe.

The house looked as if it were looming over me, like it was daring me to enter. Challenge accepted. I took a deep breath as I stepped forward towards the door and looked back. They were still standing there with their phones out, probably putting this on Snapchat. I had my own camera, too. I had taken my sister Polaroid camera to take pictures. If I made it out alive, then it would be so worth it to shove it in everyone's face that I was the first one to ever enter the Murder Manor and make it out alive.

I took out my phone and started recording on that, placing the Polaroid camera in my backpack and then slinging it back onto my back.

Grabbing the rusty handle of the door, I took one last look at my friends. Even though they were so far away - they were scared, and didn't want to admit it, so they stayed far behind - I still felt safer with them there. I turned the knob and stepped foot inside.

Here goes nothing.

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