Chapter 3

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Finally the day of the ball arrived. My sister fought over each dress, bracelet, ring, and pin. Listening to them scream at each other made me quietly smile to myself, thinking of the beautiful blue dress Mother had gotten refitted for me.

The morning after Mother had come into my room I had pulled out the blue dress she had given me. Now it was even more beautiful.
The sky blue skirt that flowed like a river with a matching blue bodice. The soft white sleeves and while laced petticoats that seemed to be made of snow and ice. All bound with ribbons and sashes the color gray that clouds take on before a storm.


"Raen! Raen, hurry up and finish my hair! I don't want to be a second late!" Kat complained. I sighed, and with putting one final curl in place, collapsed onto a chair.
I watched silently as my two stepsisters boarded their carriage and were whisked away to the palace.

"Now it's your turn. Come," My stepmother smiled and waved me into her dressing room.

Inside I saw my dress had been laid out and next to it sat a matching set of sapphire jewelry with beautiful and delicate looking glass slippers. I gasped in amazement, but then looked down, embarrassed. Where had she gotten these things? Had getting these for me caused her a lot of trouble?

Seeing my concerned expression Mother laughed lightly and assured me it was fine, no need to worry about any of it. Still hesitant, I took off my plain skirt and jacket. Before I knew it, Mother was lowering the ball gown over my head. With a rustle of fabric it was on. The dress was wonderfully soft and perfectly fitted.

Fifteen minutes later and we were done. I stared in the mirror, amazed at how my stepmother had transformed me. I was still recognizable, but she had accented my points of beauty to a higher level.

"Not too bad, right?" Mother teased, putting away the last of the makeup supplies. "It would be best if you were to be home by midnight, as we don't want your sisters finding out about this."

I nodded, took one last glance at the mirror and was on my way to the ball of dreams.


The first thing I noticed was how many colors there were in the magnificent ballroom. The dresses, lights, cakes, and ribbons were all the different hues of the rainbow and more.

Entranced, I wandered over to one of the feast tables. As I gazed about the wonder scene I felt as thought someone were watching me.

I jumped, startled, as a hand tapped my shoulder. Whipping around I found myself looking up at a young man. He looked no older than twenty five, but his sly grin and long, swept back blond hair gave his face an older look.

"Care to join me in this next dance?" His voice was smooth, but high, higher than my own real voice. I glanced around, still feeling as though someone were watching, but agreed to the dance.

"I'm Sir Leon Clodan. And who might you be my beautiful lady?" He flashed that sly grin at me again as he led me into the center of the dance floor. I could feel dozens of eyes turn towards us, wondering who this strange, new couple was.

I pretended not to have heard his question and he didn't seem to care whether I answered or not. All he wanted was to be seen dancing. Despite his slick appearance he was a rather horrible dancer, I breathed out a sigh of relief when the dance ended.

After detaching myself from Leon's grasp I was quickly asked to dance by many other young suitors. Not intending to make too much of an image, I eventually started to decline the offers with painfully obvious excuses. All through out the dancing the strange feeling of being watched had stayed.

Sighing and slightly out of breath from the last dance, I found a comfortable corner and sat on a beautifully soft love seat, away from most of the guests. Bored, I swept over the room with my eyes, trying to find the source of the staring sensation. Finally I located it and our eyes locked.

Prince Ethan Radain.

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