Chapter 7

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   "You know... Now that you don't have I pretend anymore, I want to ear your real voice," Ethan said, playing with my hair.

   "Anything you desire, my prince," I whispered, surprising myself with the smooth, low voice that came out. "But I have just one request."

   "Anything, my love," He murmured, still hugging me, "Just ask and it is yours."

   "I... I would like to see myself. Not as Cinderaen the nobleman's "daughter", but as my true self. To become who I truly am for the first time in my life... Please..." I lifted my head off of Ethan and stared at the distant mountains. Nodding, Ethan held my hand and let me out of the garden to his own chambers.

   Once inside a butler appeared to take our coats and shoes. Handing them off we continued on into his bedroom after Ethan called in a hairdresser and tailor. To kill time while we waited, Ethan and I both looked through Ethan's wardrobe to find something suitable for me to wear once the tailor fitted it.

   Eventually, I found a beautiful yet simple emerald green tunic with gold colored trim and matching sky blue waistband and cuffs. Meanwhile Ethan had dug out a pair of black pants that were cut in the newest style along with a blue sash that matched the shirt hem and cuffs. My outfit complete we both stood back and looked over what we had managed to put together.

   "Wow... Thank you so much... But, um, could you turn around while I change?" I asked, blushing and not wanting him to see my embarrassing undergarments.

After hearing my request he laughed and said, "There's no need to be shy around me. After all, my lovely fiance, I am your future husband."

   Turning an even deeper shade of red I nodded, and started the process of unbecoming the girl my father had made me into.

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