Chapter 9

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Our weddings was beautiful, one of the best days of my life, after the day I met Ethan of course. My stepmother and even my dumbfounded stepsisters came that day.

There was seemingly endless dancing and eating, there was an immense amount of food I couldn't even fathom how Ethan had gotten it all.

One of the most memorable moments at the fantastic event was when Sir Leon Clodan came up to me, holding the hand of a golden skinned man.

"This," Sir Leon gestured to the man beside him, "is Darshan of Tsumia, a country to the east of us. We are both indebted to you and Prince Ethan who made our marriage legal in your act of love."

I grinned, "No wonder you were so slippery dancing with all those women, Sir Leon." He blushed and Darshan away as he saw Ethan walk up behind me.

"So, my Lady in Blue, does this wedding live up to your dreams?" His black eyes stared deep into mine.

"Well... Yes, I suppose so since you're the man in those dreams, after all." I whispered and kissed him. When we finally pulled apart for much needed air a loud round of applause started. Surprised, we both looked around and saw all the wedding guests clapping and could even hear the people outside the palace gates cheering as fireworks were sent up.

"Long live Prince Ethan! Long live the Lady in Blue!"

And we did. Prince Ethan and I would adopt a beautiful baby boy two years after our wedding. Our son grew to be a noble prince and found a wonderful wife who birthed my beautiful granddaughters. I couldn't be more grateful to everyone who was in my life, but most of all to Ethan, who, despite the occasional fight, I loved with all my heart. We both are now well into our old age, and I know that even after we are gone, Ethan and I will live happily ever after.

The End


I'm so sorry this took so long to complete, I actually had the entire thing written out on paper but couldn't find the time to type it up... So what did you think of my first story? I would love to hear all and any critiques and comments, no matter how good or bad! Once again and for the last time I would like to say thank you to all of you who have put aside the time to read my short story and I hope you enjoyed it!


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