Chapter 20

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Hey everyone I'm putting up a chapter today in the A/n that I put up about the shipping in this someone said they shipped brass and Jordie and I thought that was so funny but I don't give a flying truck ship whoever you want to ship I don't care and if you guys have any ships you like in the story please do tell in the comments.


With all the stuff that was happening to Jordie she decided to have a Skype call with Lexi to help get it off her mind. When she told cherry and brass cherry zoomed to her computer he was real excited to see blind again "well you sure are excited cherry" Jordie giggled walking over picking up cherry putting him on her desk "c-come on mama I w-want t-to s-see blind a-and t-tell him all the ... t-things t-that h-happened" cherry jumped up and down excitedly "okay just not what's going on with mommy okay" "a-alright mama".

When Lexi answered she was happy to see her friend and cherry but noticed something "hey where's brass at?" she asked "TV room loves his TV" "oh" Lexi giggles "mama is that Jordie?" cherry knew that voice his crush blind "sure is blind" Lexi put blind on her should so they could see him. "Don't forget cherry to~" Jordie sang "h-h-h-hi blind n-n-nice t-t-to m-m-m-meet y-you a-a-again" cherry said his face as red like a tomato "hello cherry it's good to see you to" cherry was freaking out so much on the inside. "So what's going on Jordie any Yaden troubles" "no she's not bothering me anymore" "good" "so how's it going with you blind you doing well?" Jordie asked "I say I'm doing pretty good mama takes me to a lot of fun places" he answered "cool"

Jordie looked at cherry he seemed frozen solid she poked him a bit "cherry you okay you've been sitting there forever" she said cherry snapped out of his daze "huh oh s-s-sorry mama" "would you like to talk with blind?" "YES I-I mean y-yes I w-would l-like t-that" Jordie nodded and let cherry take the stage. "So w-what d-d-do y-you l-l-like t-t-to do f-for f-f-fun?" "I like doing anything that's fun even though I can't see I still know that it's fun what about you cherry?" "uh ... I-I l-l-like d-doing a-a-a-anything w-w-with m-m-mama s-she m-makes e-e-everything fun" "that's nice it's nice to know even with four of you living together you still have fun with each other".


After the Skype call with Lexi Jordie felt better and went to go make dinner for everyone while cherry went back to the couch to watch TV with brass. Brass glanced at cherry he was doing a cute little fangirl thing "Have fun talking to your boyfriend?" he asked with a smirk cherry jumped "h-how did you know" "isn't it obvious your blushing like crazy and doing some kind of fangirl thing like when they meet a superstar" cherry sighed "fine it's true I like blind he's just ... there's something about him that just seems so interesting to me. But please don't tell mama I think that she'll find it weird" "don't worry little brother your secret's safe with me'' *though I bet ma already knows* brass thought to himself.


Well I had to stop right there for now because I can't think of anything else to write to again bye everyone ^^

bittybones fanfic cherry and brassy (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now