Chapter 35

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The next morning the little red bitty was giving brass, cherry and maestro a evil look while they were eating their breakfast. "Ma I don't like the look that's giving me" brass said "y-yeah h-h-he's scaring me mama" cherry let out in a small whisper "I agree to mother he doesn't seem trust worthy" Jordie putting her spoon down in her bowl of cereal sighed "Don't worry it's only temporary until we find him a home. That's what I told him since I can't take care of 4 bitties and a dog."

Looking over at the little bitty not touching what she thought that red bitty's liked mustard "Do you not want the mustard I set out for you" she asked he only looked away "still not talking huh"

"Maybe he can't talk mama" cherry suggested the bitty gave cherry a glare making cherry give a shirk and hide behind brass.

"Alright no one scares my little brother. Come here you" Brass angrily growled as he walked over to him the bitty's left eye socket glowing red ready for a fight. Then a hand was place between them before anything could happen "Brass no rough housing at breakfast" Jordie said sternly brass huffed and went back to eat his meat. Then there was a sharp pain on Jordie's hand again the bitty bit her again.

She winced he was actually making her hand bleed "you do like biting a lot to. And I'm going to need more bandages" the bitty looked up at her releasing his grip on her bloody hand looking up at her. Jordie smiled at him before getting up and going to get a bandage "Okay you just crossed the line NO ONE bites Ma" brass yelled coming over to him the bitty's eye started to glow red again ready for a fight with the brassberry.

"BRASS NO" cherry yelled

"sorry little brother but I have no choice I'm not letting anyone hurt my mother again"

The bitty summoned a gaster blaster (yes red bitties can do that) ready to fire at brass when it fired it didn't hit brass but for some reason there was a bloody murder scream it was Jordie again her hand in between them the bitty stopped as he realized what he done. The middle of her hand was a burn mark wincing Jordie said nothing but turn and went to her computer to start making found bitty posters.

"Brother brass I think that Mother's upset"

"I know because of him!!" brass pointed at the bitty

"If it weren't for him ma wouldn't be hurt"

"I should have killed him when I first saw him" brass then walked off to go cool down

Cherry walked over to the bitty, the bitty was about to attack but then stopped allowing cherry to get near him "Don't worry brass will calm down. If you apologize to mama I'm sure she'll forgive you" with that maestro took cherry to go watch some TV.

The bitty decided to go see Jordie in her room on the computer finishing up the found bitty posters teleporting up to her he went up to her hand with the bandage on it from the gaster blaster and the bite marks he gave her. Jordie noticed and looked down at him.

"what is it?" she said in a upset/angry tone

Standing by the hand he started to rub it and giving her hand a hug for hurting her. Jordie smiled and continued "Don't worry I forgive you" she moved her hand to pet him but he growled moving her hand back then he stopped gently she pat his head making him have a little purr.

"Maybe you can stay here while I'm finishing up on these" the bitty sat down cuddled by her arm Ace was right red bitty's just want to be loved when mean.


bittybones fanfic cherry and brassy (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now