Chapter 1~ The Girl Who Started It All

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Heyyy peoples!!! Starting a new story!! BMR is officially off the radar (for many, many reasons) so now I am starting this one! ENJOY!!!



I wonder if things would have been better if I had killed that man. It was my right, of course. On the forbidden island of Atheileon, a siren has every right to claim her first victim and any afterwards. But when I gazed into that sailor's eyes, their crystal blue dulled from the songs pouring from my sisters' lips, I couldn't do it. For the first time in my life I felt dirty. What my sisters did, what I was supposed to do, disgusted me. Our victims had no choice. No will to fight their demise. When the realization hit me that I would not kill that insignificant man, my wings altered slightly. Those wings, which were a brilliant sapphire blue, gained a few feathers. And the color of them? Golden. The most metallic, brilliant gold imaginable.


As time passed, and I continued to ignore my instincts and kill humans, more of my feathers turned gold. Soon my hair and tail followed. My body started to change also. Due in part to near-constant flying, my wings soon resembled those of a kestrel. My tail, which is already rare among the sirens, now looks like that of a lion with a large tail-fan on the end. My hair became long and wild, its curls and waves framing my face and flowing to the middle of my back. 

My sisters started to look at me like I was a novel thing, which I probably was. They did everything they could to convince me that killing humans was what I was "meant" to do.  They were wrong of course. At that point I felt no urge to kill, and watching the bloodlust of the other sirens made me slightly ill. It slowly became apparent to all that I was an oddity that should not linger.


Ahh the wind feels so GOOD, I thought cheerfully as I winged my way over the ocean scouting for ships. it was my task amongst the flock, since I refused to kill or use my voice to lure the ships toward Atheileon. I enjoyed it immensely. I flew all day, and because of it my body was toned and tan, and my almost completely golden hair, tail and wings flashed and glimmered in the sun. As I took a deep breath, I spotted something off in the distance. A ship. I glanced toward the island behind me. I was supposed to fly immediately to the Atheileon whenever I see a ship, so sirens can be dispatched to lure the sailor toward us. But then, I was never much of a rule-follower. I smiled and started to wing my way towards the ship off in the distance.

**Captain’s POV**

I waited by the wheel, spyglass in hand, closely following the glimmering speck that’s approaching steadily. This was siren country, I knew. It was dangerous to be here. But I was curious. That’s why I didn’t immediately sound the alarm. My knowledge of siren-lore was vast, and usually the water-sirens, or mermaids, were sent to lure ships, not the winged ones. As she approached I realized her coloring was wrong too.  A siren is never gold. Some have yellowish hair, wings, or tails, but never such a metallic, beautiful shade. And never are they completely golden.

A low and melodic song started to pour from her lips, the meaning of her words indecipherable. In response, my men all sank down into a deep slumber. I now started to regret not warning them. After tending to them, she then turned her attention to me. 

She alighted quietly on the rail of the crow’s nest. As she flared and folded her golden wings, I noticed a few sapphire feathers mixed in amongst the gold. Another oddity. Her tail flicked from side to side as she regarded me impassively, yet her eyes shone with curiosity. I shied as far away from her as the ship would allow. She smiled slightly and began to speak, her voice the most wonderful to ever be heard upon mortal ears.

“I have come to warn you, mortal. You must turn around and leave this place. You are rapidly approaching the siren’s Forbidden Island, and if you are to get much closer you all will be lured and eaten. Consider this a boon. You will not be warned a second time. I will now reawaken your men.” She opened her lips to sing.

“Wait, why help us? Aren’t you one of the sirens that feast on humans and revel in their misery?” She looked at me in surprise. She must not have expected me to read so much into it.

“I am not a normal siren, and I do not wish for unnecessary death. However I will only warn once. If one is too stubborn to heed my warning, then so be it. I will change fate no longer.” The siren’s wings snapped open and she rose higher over the ship, another song pouring from her lips. This one more uplifting than the first. One by one, my men rose, groaning in discomfort and asking what the bloody hell happened. I spared one last look at the mysterious Golden Siren, who was now just a speck on the horizon, and turned to my men.

“Get moving! We’re leaving this place.”


So....whatcha think of this??? Should I continue?? COMMENT/VOTE/FAN!!!!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2012 ⏰

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