Chapter 1~ Saved?

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I know I'm already writing a Doctor Who's son story but I can't help it since I love this type of story and I don't think many people have written enough of these stories.


Third POV

Charlie hated living with his stepfather, especially when he killed the young boys mother.

At 5, Charlie was forced to steal and pick pocket to pay for the apartment and for all the food and unfortunately that also ment paying for all the beers and alcohol for his stepfather. If he didn't then he would get 'punished'.

Charlie Smith, he never knew his father, his mother always said that his father loved to travel and he went missing one day and was never seen again. His mother had just died last year to the day, a day just before his birthday.

The young boy knew that he wasn't ordinary because ever since he was born he knew every single language to be said. And since his mother died, his stepfather decided to have a little fun and experiment on the small boy. This caused him to have several different skills and 'powers', as some people called them, but the boy saw them as curses.

Today was just another busy day. Especially for the 5 year old; stealing money, stealing beer, slipping through alleyways to avoid civilisation, coming home to face the monster...

Walking in the boy hoped one thing, please be asleep...

But it seems that luck was not on his side, and recently it hasn't.

"OI! BRAT! Where's my money?!" Roared the ugly beast that thought combing back his thin, greasy strands of hair was in style.

The young boy who had stopped talking to everyone else but learnt a very harsh lesson after he thought he could be quite around him and decided to only talk when he's talked to by his step-father.

His hands shaking unwillingly, he took the $100 bill out of his worn out jeans pocket and held it it, scared of being hit.

"What is this?" He roared and brought his clenched fist down on the boys face, clearly leaving a black bruise around his eye in return. "I thought I said, bring back 350 not this shit!"

The terrified boy looked up from the floor, where the first blow had knocked him to, "S-sorry!" He pleaded and curled into a ball.

That's when the other blows started to rain down on the 5 year old. The fat, ugly and disgusting man started to beat the boy but not enough to kill him as he had some brain cells. Or enough to know that he had to keep the boy alive so he could keep lounging around.

Grabbing the five year old by the hair, he dragged him down to the 'experiment' room.

Strapped down Charlie finally began to wake up after being knocked out by his step-father. But seeing where he was, he began to panic, especially when Gabe Ugliano, his step-father, grabbed a needle and stabbed hit into his neck.

The room that was once sparkling white had a mixture of blood and various liquids stained everywhere. The boy's screams of pain as the liquid changed him could be heard all the way down the street, even into a blue box that goes unnoticed by some.

A man's head shot up from his box and towards the door where the scream had entered.


-Charlie's POV-

I woke up on the floor. My whole body ached, causing me to groan. I opened my eyes and saw my tiny cupboard which I call my room.

Unable to get up so quickly I decided to curl up.

What? What was that? I opened my eyes again as I felt something brush against my leg. Looking down I yelped as I saw a thick black tail covered in fur.

Trying to move away from it, only for it to follow me. I grabbed the tail and pulled it only to feel a sharp pain to shoot up my back.

Is this my tail?! Now I'm even more of a freak... I felt sad and something to flatten against my head. I jumped and raised my hands and felt two furry cat ears ontop of my head.

What had happened to me? Soon there was a knock on the door, I raised my head and looked up, expecting to see my step-father only to be surprised as I saw

What had happened to me? Soon there was a knock on the door, I raised my head and looked up, expecting to see my step-father only to be surprised as I saw

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I looked up in shock and fear, was this guy going to hurt me as well...

I watched carefully as he kneeled down in front of me.

"I'm sorry..." He said as he looked at my tail, which had wrapped itself around my left thigh, and my ears, which has flattened down but weren't completely hidden by my black hair.

I didn't say anything, but who was he?

"I knew your mum..." He started as shock ran through me, who is he and how did he know mum?? "We used to be friends, but we ended up being closer... I just didn't realise she had a son... that we had a son..." He muttered while looking down at the ground.

"I-" I coughed, "I don't understand..." I muttered, I didn't know how he would treat me so I decided to play it safe and talk...

He sighed, "I'm your dad..." What?

"B-but mum said t-that y-you went traveling a-and got lost?" I whispered in confusion but he heard me.

"I do travel, but I was never lost... I'm sorry that I didn't find you sooner."

But he's here now???

I reached forward and hugged him, taking him by shock. If mum trusted him then so do I!

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back.

"Come on, I'm taking you with me!" He stated as he stood up.

Finally, I'm free of that monster... I closed my eyes as I was carried out of the house and down the street to the mysterious blue box that would soon become my home.


I know there is only one chapter but can I please get some reviews about whether or not I should continue this book... if not then I will take it down and focus on my other books

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