Chapter 12: Whoa, you feel really strawberry.

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Alison is on drugs, so yeah this might be confusing. She's hullicinating. 

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Chapter 12: Whoa, you feel really strawberry.

Kevin suddenly sat up out of no where, "Wait-wait-wait, you're telling me, you put ecstasy in her drink?" He threw a hand out, "The drink is called Surfers on Acid, if anything you should of put acid in there. Gah, get it together bro." Kevin shook his dark hair in disbelief. "Ecstasy I can't believe this kid." 

Ecstasy that's kind of a fun word.

I layed on the floor singing ecstasy over and over again and whatever popped into my head, "Once I throw in this BOW CHIKKA WOW WOW, girl don't even play...something something something. Once I throw in this, once I throw in this. It's ovahhh gurll. " I made a seductive face, squirming on the floor and letting it massage me. "I wanna bowchikawowwow with him. He's kinda coot." I slurred thinking of the singer.

"Closet freak." I heard Chance say while Aiden and everyones fast voices just sounded like swishhy to my ears. I stared at the stars, imagining the ceiling. 

Holy crap it's like a real ceiling!

Dood. That fan just goes around in a circle like phralalala.

Ha, I wonder what sound a circle makes?

I bet it sounds like Chance, like little bitchness that's whiney and bossy and just lots of bitchness.

Oohhh. I suddenly stood up throwing my hands in the air and spinning on my toes. "Hahaahaa phralala, I'm Chance guys geddit?" I joked.

My eyebrows furrowed as they stared at me with blank expressions. They don't get it? Stoopids. I spun faster, so they could get it and laugh.

I was flying, no soaring until
I flew into the wall. 

I slid down the wall in agony, grimacing. Okay that wasn't fun. As I slid down it, I was pulled back up again by my forearms. "Alison listen to me, stop spinning." I think it was Aiden, his face wasn't there though, it was bloob. Just blubbity bloop. I reached out yearning to touch the playdough face in front of me. Maybe I could make circles. He swatted my hands away. "Stop that shit Squatch." I heard a frustrated groan and I whined reaching to touch his face again, "Dammit, my mom finds out she's killing me." Chance huffed blowing grape circles into my mouth. I eyed the purple circle as it flew towards my mouth. I opened my mouth smiling when I caught one. He just stared at me while I smiled. 

He was just jelly he couldn't catch delicious grape bubbles that flew from his mouth. 

I smirked.

"Dude, she's fucked up." Kevin brung to the group's attention.

"Yeah thanks for the insight Kevin." A sigh followed along with more grape bubbles I happily caught in my mouth. "...Aiden you're kinda bright when does this stuff wear off?"

"Chance you're kind of bright, does it look like I've done ecstasy before?!" Aiden asked incredulously. "Why don't you ask Miss Sunshine blowing smoke rings on the ground, you know Kevin the drug dealers girlfriend, hey even Kevin here for that matter maybe he'll know."

"I'm high as shit, don't ask me anything or your gonna kill my good vibessss." A female voice, not within my vision, drawled.

"Aiden stop acting holy, we've been through shit and you know at one point in your life you've tried something." Chance huffed annoyed.

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