Dark pit P.OV I am going to ask Maddy out on a date tonight so I stared walking to her room and that was on the other side of the temple to make it quicker I stared fly as fast as I could.
Maddy P.O.V I was siting in my room making a kitten I was almost done when Dark pit walk in his wings were down and was panting I look up and he was looking right at me.
Maddy: hey Dark pit what up
Dark pit: Maddy I need to ask you something outside
Maddy: ok
We walk outside and Dark pit grab my hand and ask me to go on a date tonight I said yes, it was 5:30 so I decide to finish my kitten I named it Binks (if you don't know the name then watch Hocus Pocus) it was 6:00 so I put on a dress and black flats.
Pic of dress
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Dark pit P.O.V I went to Maddy room and knocked on the door and Maddy open it she looked beautiful. We walked in the restaurant I already had a table for us we sat there and ordered are meals. Maddy got eggs drop soup and I got chicken and stared eating.
Ashley P.O.V I was sitting in the Infirmary with a broken arm and leg but Abigail is in worst pain with a broken arm and two legs and a large deep cut on her cheek. I was free to go but I need a wheelchair and someone with me. Suddenly the door open and James was there with a wheelchair it was blue my favorite color he sat me in it and rolled me out into Skyworld. He sat me on the ground and made my wheelchair small and put it in his pocket (yes James has powers). He pick me up bridal style and started flying and we were outside of Skyworld we sat there.
Ashely: thanks
James:for what
Ashely:getting me out
James: your wel-
He didn't even get to finish his sentence all of a sudden a God that was red.
James grabbed me and started to run he held me tight there were a lot of thing following us James held me tighter and he flew to Skyworld. We got everyone I felt bad crashing Dark pit and Maddy date but we need to deal with these things. We grab my hoe and went to fight but James stopped me.
James: sorry you're not going out there with your broken leg and arm but don't worry you won't remember this.
He put something in my neck and I started to feel tried and fall asleep but someone caught me and put me on something soft and that when I fell into darkness.
Dark pit P.O.V We were all outside fighting the Underworld army when he showed up...Hades.
Hades:hello world I'm here now and ready to run your world.
Maddy:who is that
Hades:ah well well I guess I found who I'm looking for but I have better plans for you so bey.