James P.O.V I was sitting at the end of Skyworld thinking. There was one question that was on my mind why do I feel something that I can't explained. something that I feel when I'm with Ashely I don't know how to explain it I need to talk to Maddy. I walk in her room and saw she was holding two thing and she was smiling at me.
Maddy: your here good I have something to give
James: what is it
She handed me two things one was a sliver bracelet with an leaf on it and a heart locket with a picture of her and I and one of everyone.
(Pic of it)
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What this for I asked. It for a month that I made you, the bracelet is so I can track you it might be weird but it so I know you ok and everything. The heart is for knowing that we'll be there for you forever she smile I smiled back.
Maddy: what wrong
James: nothing
Maddy: I know when your lying what wrong
James: somethings wrong with me I feel something when I'm with Ashely and you guys I feel things but I'm a robot I can't feel right
Maddy: yes you can feel thing that what makes you different I made you feel love,being sad,angry and hurt
James: oh thank you
Maddy: no problem bro
James: ok bye sis
I left our room I and saw Ashely she was watching something. She saw me and smiled she stood up and walked over to me gave me a box.
Ashley: happy birthday
James: I can't take this
Ashely: just open it
I open the box there was nothing in it I look up form the box. I was about to say something when Ashely kissed me on the lip. I kiss back I felt time stop as if we stop time ourself we pulled away smiling.
Ashely: I love you
James: I love you to
We hugged and sat down and watch Harry Potter.
---------------------------------------------- That the end of this chapter bye