I'll kill him!

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Dark pit P.O.V
I was walking around Skyworld when I saw Abigail carrying something. As she got closer I saw that she was carrying Maddy! I ran as fast as I could when I reach them I grabbed Maddy and flew to the temple and ran to the recovery room and gave her to the nurses. I turned around to find Abigail behind me I grabbed her wrist and pulled her in a room.

Dark pit: What happen to her!

Abigail: we were just walking when we heard a child and we ran to it and we ran to it and we saw Hades and he stab Maddy in the stomach and left I'm so sorry.

Dark pit: I'LL KILL HIM!

I ran out of the room and went to find I'm getting information form her one way or other. I saw Carmen and Pit together I garb Carmen by the wrist and started to pull her away form Pit when he grab her hand.

Pit: What are you doing let her go!

Dark pit: I need answers now!

Carmen: What do you mean?!

Dark pit: She knows about Hades and were he is I'm going to kill him.

Carmen: I don't know were he lives I swear!

Pit: what happen.

Dark pit: Hades attack Abigail and Maddy and stab her!

Pit: what!

At this point I was burning with rage when Pit was caught off guard I pull Carmen away form him and started to fly. I felt Carmen snuggling under my grip so I griped tighter and brought her to a different room and locked the door.

Dark pit: now talk.

Carmen: I-I don't know where he lives I really don't I promise!

Dark pit: Lair!

Pit P.O.V
I tried to follow them as fast as I could then I realized that the only thing to make him snap out of it was Maddy I ran as fast as I could to the temple recovery room. When I got there I saw Maddy in a bed with bandages around her chest. I picked her up like bridal style and ran to find the room.

Maddy: Pit what are you doing put me down.

Pit: not until we find Pitto.

Maddy: why what happen?

Pit: he took Carmen and I don't know where he is.

Maddy: I do turn left and the last door.


After that we reach the door and I sat Maddy on the ground and we heard Pitto yelling and Carmen screaming.

Pit: Pitto open the door now!

Dark Pit: Go away!

Carmen: Pit! Help!

Maddy: Dark please open the door

Dark pit: M-Maddy is that you?

Maddy: yes please stop I'm ok really please open the door.

Dark pit:I can't I'm sorry I need answers.

Maddy: p-please?

Dark pit: no I'm sorry I've going to kill him.

Maddy: we can do it together.

Pit: enough of this Pitto if you don't open the door I'm going to throw her off Skyworld.

Maddy/Dark pit: what!

Pit: yep I'll do it.

I looked over to Maddy and she was trying to stand up but fell back down. I picked her up and she started to scream and started to fight back when the door broke down and Pitto was standing in the door with his bow. His eyes were filled with rage and his bow was pointed right at me.

Dark pit: put her now.

I slowly put her down and ran to Carmen and carried her off.

Dark pit P.O.V
I looked down at Maddy to she her crying she was covered in bandages and had a black shirt. I ran to her and hugged her.

Dark pit: I'm so sorry it my fault all I wanted to get revenge on Hades for doing this to you.

Maddy: I understand but we can do it together

I was about to say something when Maddy started to scream and then fainted. I rush her to the recovery room as fast as I could.
In the Underworld

???: sir why would you stab the one thing you needed to cure your wife? Won't the girl die because you stab her?

Hades: of course she will only if they go to the time turner ( I don't know what it called) spring in time and if they don't then I can just grab her soul.

I'm soooooo sorry that I haven't been updating if you know the name of the spring tell me please in the comments.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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