First Day of School

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The next day, all of us woke up at 7am. Music started playing through the speaker that was connected to the school system. This was Alfea's way of waking us up so that nobody is late for classes, and that is definitely working. Every morning, this music will play for about 5 minutes, at 7 in the morning.

For the next 25 minutes, you are expected to wash up and prepare yourself for the upcoming day. The funny thing is, we have our morning announcements in our dorm. Basically nobodu listens to it so yeah.

The music rang, waking the entire school. Groans could be heard from neighbouring dorm rooms. I flopped out of bed, with my hair in a mess. Walking out of the room, I paused to see Amaryl, her hair in a mess. We stared at each other and started laughing. It was a nice feeling, waking up with your friends again.

This was kind of our schedule every morning. Everybody ran out of their rooms, running towards the 2 bathrooms, challenging each other to see who can get the bathroom first. Haha, those good memories!

Today, we have lessons in the morning, but this time, we have no lessons in the afternoon! We had to prepare for the opening ceremony of Alfea. Since yesterday we did the shopping, we have the entire afternoon to decorate.

All of us quickly changed. At 7.30am, Ms Griselda started going through the announcements.

"Good morning students, today is our opening ceremony and lessons will be canceled for the afternoon. Pleass be ready by 6 for the start of the party"
(This isn't exactly what she said)

We could hear cheering come from downstairs and upstairs. We deserved this treat especially from all that trauma!

I opened our dorm room, to find our timetables on the floor. I quickly picked it up and gave it out to my friends.

"Hey! I have the same class as you today!", I exclaimed to Luna. I had flight flying lesson today at 9.30 with Luna on Mondays! I bet I wouldbe better than everybody in that lesson due to the extreme exercises I do at home!

In the Omega Dimension, I'm in charge of chasing down prisoners that accidently escape their ice prisons. So, I had to fly long distances, and the muscles at my back aches a lot, and it still aches now!

It was 7.35, and we were all late for class, due to the fact that we were all comparing our timetables. My first class was Dispelling Evil Energy. Sounds interesting! I hope it won't be too difficult! I scanned through the list, and I found my older subjects, Potion class and all sorts. It was an exciting school year to look forward to!

I walked to my first class. When I reached the classroom, I heard the sound of the discipline teacher. Shit, she's gonna kill me for being late!

To my horror, it was Ms Griselda teaching this class! I opened the door slowly, and all eyes were on me. Ms Griselda narrowed her eyes at me.

"WHY ARE YOU LATE?!" she screeched at me, clearly enraged. "GO STAND AT THAT CORNER WITH THE REST OF THE LATECOMERS!"

I sheepishly walked towards the right corner of the classroom, where about 11 students stood. A random girl whispered to me," I was only late for a minute!" with a frown on her face. Before I could reply, Ms Griselda shouted," NO TALKING!!"

Oh boy, worst start of the year! I'm gonna hate this class from now on!

Yay second chapter done! Hope you like it! Pretty short but still I really have no time. Yesterday I could write longer because it was my day off!
Please vote and comment to make my day and encourage me to update!!!

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