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So last Wednesday the cast list went up and everyone crowded around it. So I plugged my ears with my fingers so no one could tell me what I got. I GOT LUMIERE PEOPLE YASSSSSSSSSSSS! I mean I wanted Belle but my best friend who deserved it more than anything got it. And the girl who always brags that she is a great singer got who she least wants to be, Mrs. Potts. It's still a good character but she wanted Belle, than Lumiere (bish I got Lumiere go suck my) and Mrs. Potts she even told me she wanted least. Haha.

But now she's bragging that she has like the most lines in the show (bish no you don't) and that she has a solo in my song. Okay a fifteen second solo in one of the biggest numbers in the show lol not to mention it's my song. And I know I sound like a bish but okay she is in my ear all day (lol she just snap chatted me rn as I'm typing this) singing her song and attempting a British accent ugh.

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