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1. Orange/ green tropical theme
2. Dark tropical theme
3. Fresh indie theme
4. Beige theme
5. Dark brown theme
6. Refreshing indie theme
7. Violet indie theme
8. Garden Bambi theme
9. Carefree vogue theme
10. Rose gold theme
11. Fresh green theme
12. Refreshing spring theme
13. Pink Champagne theme
14. Desert indie theme
15. Red vogue theme
16. Pink teal theme
17. Retro indie theme
18. Vintage theme
19. 50's
20. 60's
21.  70's
22. 80's
23. 90's
24. Real blue theme
25. Navy blue theme
26. White indie theme
27. Raspberry dark theme
28. Tropical indie theme
29. Cotton candy theme
30. Grunge dark theme
31. Art theme
32. Fresh champagne theme
33. Verdancy fresh theme
34. Blueberry and brown theme
35. Black and gold theme
36. Bohemian tropical theme
37. Yellow theme
38. Green army theme
39. Blue sky theme
40. Black and white
41. The tumblr grunge
42. Grunge
43. 90's grunge
44. The colorful
45. The white
46. The selfie
47. The artsy/Connor franta
48. The earthling
49. The no care
50. The #finnishgirl
51. The #finnishboy
52. The fitness
53. The adult
54. The child
55. The rich kid
56. The coachella
57. The island
58. The crybaby
59. The cheerleader
60. Hippie
61. Workout
62. The noobs
63. The thirsties
64. The "unique"
65. The popular people

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