Hello, Lover

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'Dear Elena,

For the next week you'll be getting updates from me. Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie and I decided that only one person should have to write about our epic failure every time. Believe me you won't want to read four sad stories about the same thing.. The search for Damon and Enzo goes on and on.. And we're no closer to knowing where they are or who or what took them.. We promised each other we'd steal small moments of normal everyday.. That's how we'll all stay sane. But it's just you and me talking right now and I need to tell you.. It's hard. It's the hardest thing I've had to do in my whole life.' I wrote before a knock came from my door and I rose my eyebrow. I got up from my couch before I opened the door revealing Stefan.

"Stefan." I stated eyeing him. I haven't seen or talked to him in days. We've both been too busy with leads.

"I might have something.." Stefan stated and I rose my eyebrow. "I just need to run it by you and see what you think.. Wanna take a walk?" Stefan asked and I sighed at him before I grabbed my coat.


"Look, I know its not much but it's a lead, okay? All of those missing people that we've been following, this is the first time a body's surfaced." Stefan stated as we walked through the woods.

"Probably because it has nothing to do with what we're looking for." I replied emotionless as I didn't look at him.

"Yeah, well I can't let myself think like that. I have to treat every single clue like it's the one that's going to lead us to them." Stefan stated walking in front of me.

"Stefan." I whispered as I stopped in my footsteps as did he before turning to me and I sighed looking down. "Every time we do this I let myself hope a little." I said shrugging and looking at him. "And when we end up back at zero, my heart crushes in on itself a little bit more. I don't know how much of my heart is left." I stated putting my hands into my jacket pockets.

"Mari.. No one-Not Caroline, not Bonnie and not Elena knows how to fight longer, harder or better than you. If you give up I don't have anything left to hold onto." Stefan stated eyeing me and I sighed at him. "Please don't give up." He added and I just stared at him.

"Of course.." I whispered nodding at him before slowly sighing. "But.. don't ask me to have hope... Hope hurts. And I don't want to hurt anymore." I replied nodding slowly before I continued walking. "We need to tell Bonnie about this. Maybe she can help." I stated as Stefan followed behind me.

Bonnie, Stefan and I walked towards the crime scene and saw yellow numbers on the road and a car a few feet away. "Excuse me." Stefan stated talking to an investigator who was examining numbers closest to us.

"Oh, come on. It took me four hours to get control of the scene from local idiots and now they're letting press pass the tape?" The investigator asked in annoyance as he stood looking at us.

"We're not press. We're nobody and we want you to tell us what you know." I said calmly as I compelled him he he looked away from me before walking towards the car.

"Female victim. Strangled and then exsanguinated or Drained. Make it vise versa. Brace yourselves, it's not pretty." The detective stated before we walked to the front of the car to see the windshield and hood broken while a woman had dry bled from her neck and was tied to the front. "Some blood on the grill, not matching her type. Some blood on the rear view mirror over there an also not her type." The detective added and I rose my eyebrow at the woman. "The car's dented. Like she hit a deer, maybe a mountain lion." Detective stated shrugging and I rose my eyebrow looking at the damage to the windshield.

I'm only Mariana.(TVD-Fanfiction.) I'm Mariana Gilbert TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now