History and Attachments

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HAPPY THIDAY! I missed Thursday and now it's Friday so.. Why not combine both days? 😅

'Dear Elena,
Sorry it's been awhile. Well, three weeks if we're counting but who is? By now, Bonnie has probably filled her book full of pages upon pages about how amazing Paris is with Enzo. And Ric promised he'd write to you with his self-imposed witness protection with the girls. That leaves Caroline with working on work projects and trying to not get caught up in the past, which can be impossible because her boss sent her to the high school for the day. I went by and looked at it and it looks the same. I don't think it could ever change much. Caroline is trying to take her kind off of the fact that Stefan is with Damon now.. We don't know what they're doing but we can tell it isn't good. I'm just trying to focus on other things while the whole situation becomes non-existent.. I just might be waiting awhile.
Forever and Always,

Matt and I walked into the Armory to drop off the chest of siren clues, reports and any other information Tyler dug up. He left it to Matt after he died. "Anybody here?" Matt asked as we walked into the main room and I closed the door behind me.

"Hello?" I added loudly as Matt set the chest on the nearest table.

"You must be Matt." A man stated coming from the top of the stairs and we both looked at him as he closed a book in his hands. "I'm Dorian." He added and I rose my eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, Ric said you'd be in charge while he was on the sabbatical." I replied and Dorian stopped on the middle of the steps and chuckled a bit.

"You mean while he's hiding his kids from the Sirens." Dorian replied emotionless and Matt and I exchanged looks. "He told me what really happened to Georgie. Said he wanted to give me fair warning about who I'd be fighting against if I stayed." Dorian added and walked down the rest of the steps, standing in front of Matt and I.

"Welcome to the circle of trust." Matt replied before the two shook hands and I folded my arms over my chest.

"Silene murdered my friend. I mean to figure out how to get payback. And since our only weapon is currently traveling through Paris-" Dorian started before I cut him off.

"You mean the tuning fork?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him.

"Actually, it's called the staff of Arcadeus. Cade's enemies forged it in the fire that killed him." Dorian stated and Matt slowly sighed.

"If you say so." Matt replied uninterested.

"It wasn't me that said so." Dorian stated and I furrowed my eyebrows. "It was Harvey, in his journal. Georgie had it in her car. Seems our dead friend, Harvey, was friends with the sirens back in 1790. They lured him into the Armory tunnels, and he starved to death down there. We found his bones a few months ago." Dorian added looking down at a journal of some sort. "DNA results got back yesterday-" He added and grabbed a box and put it up on the table, opening it to reveal the dead bones of this Harvey guy.

"Awesome." Matt stated sarcastically obviously a bit-well, grossed out.

"Yeah, I know. Turns out, he was related to a family from Mystic Falls." Dorian added and I rose my eyebrow. "And through the magic that is the internet, he's here to claim the remains." Dorian added before turning the opposite way from us. "Hey, Mr. Maxwell. You finished signing those forms?" Dorian asked loudly and I turned to Matt who was frozen before his dad came out from the back room and into the main one. He looked up from the papers and his face fell once he saw his son. "You.. two know each other?" Dorian asked looking between the two and I narrowed my eyes at Peter. Matt rose his eyebrow at his father but his father looked away from him.

I'm only Mariana.(TVD-Fanfiction.) I'm Mariana Gilbert TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now